Ocean Weekend

Kim asked if I wanted to come along for a few days at the ocean before Christmas. I agreed and we headed for Moclips on Saturday morning. Rain poured down for much of our drive. We cruised through Aberdeen and Hoquiam then headed west and north along the coast. We stopped several times to take photos. It was my first time out with my new Olympus E-510. A little bulkier than my trusty point and shoot camera but not too bad.

I had not been to the coast in decades. Winter is a good time as the storms are fun to watch. Especially from a nice warm room as a base camp. Our base was at the Ocean Crest Resort in Moclips. It sits on the bluff a few hundred feet above the beach. The beach is sand unlike many of the rocky beaches along the Olympic coast. The resort was just fine. We had a view of the ocean and the wooden walkway that descends a gully along a creek to the beach. After checking in we headed down to the ocean.

There were more people on this wet winter day than I expected. It quickly became clear that most were there for razor clams. The season is short and crowds appear when it's okay to dig. Magically the clouds parted and we had sunshine on the beach. We also had a minus tide allowing us to go quite away out. We ventured about a mile north enjoying the clammers and the flotsam and jetsam on the sand.

It was surprising to find out that it remained light until after 5:00 pm. In Seattle it was dark about a half hour earlier. We did not get back to the resort until it was just about dark. We had dinner in our room and planned out day two.

Kim has posted her report with photos here: Nwhikers Report

First Stop
On The Beach
Gray & Grayer
Log On Beach
Some Color
Lone Bird
Moclips Beach
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.

Photo Page 2

Trips - 2007
