Thirty percent
chance of
thundershowers didn't seem all that bad. Kim and I wanted to get out
backpacking. With temperatures heading into the upper 80s for the
weekend we wanted to get somewhere higher and cooler. The original idea
was Lost Creek Ridge with Monogram Lake as an option. By Friday night
we decided on Monogram. Kim had been there in the fall and stopped at
the high point above the lake. I had been to Lookout Mountain but had
not taken the spur trail to Monogram. The lookout is in the National
Forest but the lake is in North Cascades National Park. Camping permits
are required. We left Seattle at 5:10 am hoping to get to the
Marblemount Ranger Station when it opened at 7:00 am.
We made one stop in Darrington and pulled into the Ranger Station at
7:04. There was a line of half a dozen groups ahead of us. It took us
30 minutes to get squared away but we had one of the two nightly
permits allotted. Bear canisters are highly recommended by the rangers.
There are trees but few have branches more than a few feet long.
Hanging food it not practical. The lake is also known as an active bear
location. Use a credit card to cover a $90 refundable deposit and the
canister is free. The camping permit is also free.
We headed the 7 paved miles down the Cascade River Road and parked in
the small lot. One group was leaving just ahead of us on their way to
the lookout. By 8:15 we were on the trail. On the positive side, the
bugs were nearly non existent at first. I recalled this trail as being
one of those that does not seem as difficult as the numbers would
indicate. We had 2.8 miles gaining 2800' to the Monogram Lake junction.
It does climb consistently but does not seem like 1000' per mile.
We climbed steadily in the early morning cool as it rapidly began to
warm up. After 2100' of climbing we stopped for a break at a campsite
right on the trail. The forest is thick and dark with some non
chlorophyll plants like Indian pipe and candy stick. Some really big
trees too. Next comes a brushy section with nettles. Stinging nettles.
One creek crossing on logs and the trail levels off. I felt
like we had gone past the turn off and in fact I did walk right by. Kim
noticed it. There is a post with the trail names and it is on the right
side behind a log. The trail goes straight up the fall line. I
completely missed it.
At this point the bugs were really noticeable. I pulled my long steeves
back down even though it was past 80 degrees now. Kim stopped for long
steeves and long pants. The trail to the lake is a maintained
fisherman's route. A few big logs are down but the smaller ones have
been cut away this spring. It is steep in places and narrow in others
but it is perfectly fine. There are a few short muddy stretches too. At
about 4900' the trail pops out of the forest into a big meadow. The
first wildflowers of the day were here.
I crossed the meadow and waited for Kim. Thee is an excellent view
across to the Lookout Mountain lookout from the meadow. It was hot but
on went my zip off pants legs. flies were everywhere. I noticed some
clouds coming in too. From the meadow we followed the trail up to the
high point on the ridge overlooking Monogram Lake. This is where the
views and the wildflowers are at their best. South across the Cascade
River to peaks. I think I recognized Snowking to the southeast. Little
Devil sits high above the lake. I could see the lookout on Hidden Lake
Peak. I think the tallest peak behind Monogram is Eldorado.
Blue, red, pink, white, yellow, and more colors in the meadow. The
trail drops 450' to the lake. There were still a few small snow patches
but only one was on the trail. It will be gone soon. We stopped at the
first campsite. The forest service said one was dry and one was still
soaked. The first one was dry. I went to the second one and found it no
better. We set up our tents at 3:00 pm. It started to rain just a few
minutes later. A couple minutes after that the thunder began to boom.
I wanted to fit everything into my winter day pack and succeeded. To do
so I took my tarptent. I figured that a 30% chance of thunderstorms
meant a little here or there. I didn't expect 2 1/2 hours of non stop
thunder and lightning. To it's credit my Tarptent Rainbow kept me
completely dry. It was really coming down for most of the storm. From
the amount of noise it sat right over us much of the time. Well we did
turn a hike to a lake into an adventure. At 5:30 it stopped and we were
able to cook dinner.
Kim dove into her tent before 7:00 pm and I held out an hour later. I
did take a walk back to the other campsite and found a tent and two
very territorial dogs. The lake is in the national park. Dogs are not
allowed. There are two big signs at the trailhead pointing it out. I
guess the other campers did not know. They must have hiked in during
the thunderstorm. I'm glad we weren't out in it.
In the morning the sky was clear. We were not in a big hurry and left
at 9:45 just after the other backpackers. It was already very hot. The
uphill start was not appreciated. We did meet one day hiker near the
ridge. He was on the trail at 7:00 am. That was smart. The hike out was
even buggier than the hike in. At the junction we stopped and a mass of
black flies descended on us. The continued most of the way down. We
passed a number of groups heading up in the heat of the day. There is
water for the first 2500' of gain. NOt good for the dogs we saw. By
2:15 we were back at the car.
It was an interesting weekend. Great flowers and mountain views mixed
in with one heck of a long and loud thunderstorm. And the bugs. bring
lots of deet and a head net if you are staying at the lake during the
few weeks.

Smooth Trail

Tiger Lily

Creek Crossing

Meadow Lupine

Big Meadow

Nearly White Paintbrush

First Clouds

Kim In Meadow

Peaks To The East

Monogram Lake Below

Snow To Cross

Peak Behind Lake

Flower Show Begins


Lousewort & Lupine

Green Slopes

Kim & Flowers

Wet Campsite

Clouds Down To Lake

Heather & Lupine

Cloudy Reflection

Moody Reflection

Rocky Reflection

Mutchler & Snowking

Morning Reflection


Morning Flowers

Morning Peak View


Green & Blue

Elephant Head

Colorful Border

Little Devil Ridge

Lookout Mt. Lookout

Mt. Baker

Meadow Again

Queen's Cup


Indian Pipe

More Indian Pipe
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Trips - 2009