Peak - Ridge Lake
I was looking
for an easy trip with good distance and elevation gain. No trail is
easier to hike than the Pacific Crest Trail. Wide and easily graded for
the most part. I headed up to Snoqualmie Pass and found only half a
dozen cars in the lot at 8:30 am. I was soon on the trail. I also found
that it was only 40 degrees. I quickly zipped the legs back on my
pants. I made good time reaching the 4 km (2.5 mile) mark in only 52
minutes. Down low the flowers were almost done. I met a few hikers
already heading down. The sky was clear and as the sun rose the
temperature climbed. I was in shorts and short sleeves before leaving
forest and traversing the talus field below Kendall Peak.
There were some clouds but there were some nice views from the open
slopes. I motored up the switchbacks and reached the climbers trail to
up Kendall. Since the weather was supposed to deteriorate throughout
the day I chose to go to the summit first. I saw one person up above
and he was sitting on the summit when I arrived. Really nice views from
the top. I signed the register and spent half an hour enjoying the
views. The highest crest peak to the north had a coat of fresh snow. I
noticed some frozen ground on the way up. One benefit was a complete
lack of bugs. Worth a little cold weather.
I was on top before 11:00 and had plenty of time for a little more
hiking. I dropped down to the trail and headed uphill. When I reached
the ridge top I passed a group that had gone by me while I was on
Kendall. A few ups and downs and I reached the Kendall Katwalk. Nice
views over to Hibox, Alta, and Three Queens. Mt. Stuart was in the
distance. I still felt good so on I went. I hoped to find a few ripe
blueberries though I have seen almost none the past month. This has not
been a good season for berries in most places.
The PCT north of the Katwalk is my favorite section along here. At this
elevation there were still flowers in bloom. The lupine was going
strong. The trail traverses flowered slopes and across talus fields.
There were a few more clouds now but it was still mostly sunny and
comfortably warm without being hot. I figured I would go on to Gravel
and Ridge Lakes for more lunch and turn around there.
One group was camped near Gravel though I did not see anyone at Ridge.
I had a seat near the lake and broke out more food. It was 12:45 when I
packed up and headed back. The best berry spots only had tiny green
berries. There is no chance any of them will ripen this year. Back near
the Katwalk the crowds began. Lots of folks were arriving. I spent a
little time at the Katwalk before beginning the long hike down.
The grade is gentle and the downhill is never difficult. I reached the
turnoff to Commonwealth Creek where two groups were resting.
Commonwealth is a nice shortcut and is easier than climbing back up the
talus field. I was out for some distance this day and took the longer
PCT route both ways. I passed half a dozen groups heading down and had
two groups speed by me. The last mile and a half the road noise was
really loud. Louder than I recall.
Several very long and gentle switchbacks brought me back to the
trailhead. One new and strange addition is a big picnic table on the
trail near the start. The outhouse is well in sight. The noise of the
freeway is even louder than in the lot. Bring earplugs if you want to
picnic there. It was only 3:20 when I finished and the parking lot was
now full. I hiked 13 miles with 3600' of gain and it was still and easy
hike. Just what I was looking for.

Guye Peak

Dark Red Mountain

Brighter Red Mountain

Guye And Snoqualmie

Puffy Clouds Over Denny

Crossing Talus

Mt. Rainier

Kendall Summit


Red Is Across The Way

Cascade Crest Peaks

Looking NW From Kendall

Summit Scrambler

Mt. Thompson

Clouds & Peaks

Keechelus Lake

Bright Clouds

Lundin Peak

Start Of Katwalk

Red Close Up

View Of Katwalk


Chikamin Peak

Gravel Lake

Ridge Lake

Three Queens Mt.

Alta & Hibox

Rocky PCT

Blasted Katwalk


Red Framed

Indian Paintbrush

Fireweed & Paintbrush

Green Slope

Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Trips - 2010