Gary wanted to
get out for an after work hike. By 1:00 pm I was sure I could get away.
Since he is faster, I chose to start a little earlier. We planned to
meet on the summit or earlier if he caught up. It was sunny and warm in
Seattle. A last gasp of 70 degree weather. By the time I reached North
Bend it was completely overcast. I took Exit 38 and parked immediately.
There was no longer a sign at the gate stating it would be closed at
dusk. In fact it was not closed well after dark. Still, to be safe I
parked outside the gate. By 3:50 pm I was on my way.
It was plenty warm for shorts and short sleeves. I soon felt the
humidity however. I wass soaked in no time. We seldom get that type of
humidity in Washington state. Once off the railroad grade and into the
woods the climbing began. This trail is a steady climb all the way to
the top. The many rocks on the old road bed make for less than ideal
footing. I was a little concerned about coming down it in the dark.
There was no doubt we would be coming down a good portion of the route
in the dark.
A trip report from a few days earlier showed all the vine maple
changing color on the open upper slopes and so I brought a camera.
Precious little to photograph before then. I figured to have a 30 - 40
minute head start on Gary. I kept up a steady pace figuring I'd likely
summit first. I reached the Owl Hike viewpoint in 50 minutes and the
crossing of Washington Creek in 60 minutes. There was more water still
running than I expected.
I have reached the pond in the fall to find it completely dry. Not this
year. Still plenty of water there. I finally slowed down where the
color began. No sun for backlighting but still pretty good color. That
alone made the hike worthwhile. After that it was back to grinding out
the last of the 3200' of gain. Reaching the final ridge I could see
down to Chester Morse Lake but peaks to the south were all in the
clouds. No Mt. Rainier this day. On my May trip up I could not even see
the lake so it was an improvement. I passed one person coming down
earlier and there was nobody else on the summit.
My shirt was soaked so I immediately changed that. I zipped on pant
legs and broke out my jacket too. I reached the top at 5:46, making for
a 1:56 hike. I could see North Bend, Mt. Si, Mt. Teneriffe, and other
Middle Fork peaks but to the south it was just clouds. In fact, pretty
interesting clouds. I had packed away my camera for the descent but
took it out again. Dark and white puffy clouds filled the sky. The
setting sun turned the visible sliver of Puget Sound a deep orange. In
addition to the leaves below the clouds put on a second great show.
Gary arrived at 6:12. He came up in 1:40. We ate dinner and prepared to
leave when another hiker reached the summit. He turned around almost
immediately and we did not see him again. Gary's thermometer read 49
degrees. Much different than at the bottom a few hours earlier. At 6:26
we headed down. The lower trail is a rocky old road but the upper part
is newer trail and much easier to hike down. We had the easy part in
the light and the harder part in the dark.
It was dark enough at the Owl Hike spot to require pulling out
flashlights. A few minutes later we needed them to see the rocky trail.
We made steady progress with few slips. Usually I can tell where I am
on the trail due to landmarks. In the dark it was hard to tell much at
all. One hiker we passed near the summit passed us again coming down.
We also passed a group heading up for sunset though they were not going
to reach the top before dark.
It took almost exactly the same amount of time for me to come down as
go up. Nobody bothered our cars in the dark which was a relief. It was
nice to get in a 3200' gain on an after work hike this time of year. It
was plenty warm enough and flashlights made the descent no problem. The
only surprise was seeing people coming up so late. By 8:30 we were on
our way home. A nice way to break up a work week.

Clouds From First View

Color Begins

Many Colors

Close Up Color

Vine Maple Leaves

Color Between Rocks

More Vine Maple

Trail Through Color

All Colors

Red Against White

Vine Maple Leaves

Lake Below Ridge

Now For The Clouds

Big & White

Red & White Sound

Shiny Top Of Cloud

North Bend Below

More Clouds

Clouds Passing By

Rays Of Light
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Trips - 2010