Brothers & Navaho Peak
I missed most
spring scrambling in the Teanaway this year. I slipped this trip in the
day before the start of summer. It felt more like late winter. David,
Barry, and met in North Seattle at 6:30 am. Suzanne drove Geo Tom and
his dog Jasper plus her friend Daryl. We met at the Stafford Creek
trailhead some 4+ miles from the end of pavement on the NF Teanaway
Road. It rained from Seattle to Cle Elum. A number of folks bailed out
on the trip as the forecast took a downward spike the day before. When
we reached the start it was not raining. A very good sign for a very
long day of hiking and scrambling.
We were on the trail by 8:45 am. The Stafford Creek trail is
in fine shape. Only one log to climb over all the way to Navaho Pass.
We cruised along with just one stop. We all zipped off our pant legs
and most went to short sleeves. It was not all that warm but at a
steady pace we stayed plenty warm. Wind was not a factor all day. After
the long switchbacks we reached the creek coming down from between
Navaho and Little Navaho Peaks. Instead of crossing we left the trail
and headed straight up.
My last few times up this off trail route were on snow with snowshoes.
This day we had only a few short snow patches to cross. It is a little
easier on dirt. Daryl and I lagged a bit behind the other speed burners
and we met up again at the saddle. I have gone up the right to the
right then descended on the route of the County Line Trail to the Falls
Creek/Negro Creek saddle below Three Brothers. I had not dropped down
from the pass.
The north other side of the pass is still all snow. I pulled out my ice
axe though it was soft enough to plunge step down. The slope narrows
to a small gorge and did not look inviting. Instead we left snow and
began to side hill around a point. We dropped some more then began to
ascend. We were then able to head to our right and into the valley of
Negro Creek. A couple creek crossings were accomplished with jumps.
This area is dry in the summer but full of water now.
We soon reached the Negro Creek Trail and followed it up to the pass.
It was now about 11:30 and some lunch was in order. We had gained a
little over 3000' to this point. It is another 1200' of gain to the
7303' summit of the western summit of Three Brothers. The ridge is
largely bare with a number of snow sections remaining. Part way up the
ridge scramble I felt a cramp in my thigh. A little later I felt
another one in a different place. Only 500' below the top I chose to
stop rather than cramp up more so far from the trailhead. Visibility
was practically non existent. I've been to the summit seven or eight
times and missing it this time was not that much of a disappointment.
Especially with no views. Tom left me some salty nuts. I ate drank and
rested before descending back to the pass.
I felt a lot better then. It was 1:15 from when I headed down to when
the others also reached the pass. Surprisingly, I was not that cold
waiting for so long at over 6000'. The lack of wind was much
appreciated. The easiest route back would probably have been to retrace
out steps to the Little Navaho saddle. Instead we chose to follow the
route of the County Line Trail up to the shoulder of Navaho Peak and
descend to the saddle.
Off we went on dirt at first and then on snow. Instead of heading
straight up the steep slope to the ridge Barry went farther right on
the slope of Navaho Peak. This brought up to the ridge higher up. A
short discussion led to a change of plans. Now we were going to head up
the ridge to tag another summit. I had no more cramps so I was in. Down
at the saddle we were below the cloud layer but now we were right back
in it. I could not see very far ahead. The ridge gained another 500' at
a fairly easy grade. Soon were were all on the summit. Again there was
little wind but also no views. It took about an hour from the Falls
Creek Pass and it was about 3:00 pm when we headed down. Rather than
head down the ridge we chose the longer route out via Navaho Pass.
The snow was good for plunge stepping and some standing glissades as we
lost 1200' to the pass in short order. The pass was beneath the clouds
but there was no view of Mt. Stuart of the Stuart Range. Now we just
had a 6 mile slog back to the cars. Navaho Pass is mostly melted bare
though snow begins on either side of the pass. The meadow below the
pass has melted out though snow is still all around it and the ground
is soaked most everywhere. It will be a few weeks before there is dry
The switchbacks down to Stafford Creek were just as long as ever. We
made good time covering the 6 miles in about two hours. The speed did
not allow much time for photos. There is paintbrush, lupine, spring
beauty, glacier lilies, and more along the trail. Not a great flower
bonanza but very good for this trail. It did not rain at all the whole
day. A welcome and very unexpected bonus. As best I can calculate on a
map, I hiked a little over 13 miles and the rest of the group just
under 14. I gained 5500' and they gained 6000'. That 5500' is 1700'
more than any other trip I have done this year. I'm still feeling it
the day after.
While I have been up Three Brothers and Navaho many times I never grow
tired of the trips. While we had no views we did have comfortably cool
temperatures and no rain. The snow was soft enough to plunge step but not
a post holing nightmare. I was pleased to get in at least one spring
snow scramble in the Teanaway.

Stafford Creek

Motley Crew


Shooting Stars

Heading Off Trail

Into The Clouds

Not Much Visibility

Three Brothers From Pass

Descending On Snow

Looking Up To Pass

Traversing Slope

Little Navaho

Approaching Next Pass

Cloudy Brothers Ridge

Ascending Ridge

Looking Down Ridge

First Pass In Distance

Navaho In Clouds

Stuart Range?

Yellow Flower


Next Pass Ahead

Clearing To The East

Trail Pair Summit View

Navaho Summit

Descending Navaho

Meadow Is Snow Free

Glacier Lilies

Grass & Lupine

Lupine Close Up
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Trips - 2010