I joined Bob and Kolleen for
only my second backpacking trip of the year. The forecast was for
sunshine both days. That has not happened often this year. They had day
hiked this trail twice in the fall when larch trees are golden high on
the ridge. I had never hiked it at all. Always fun to hike a new trail.
There is precious little water anywhere on this trail so we were
counting on the heavy winter snow pack to give us some snow to melt for
water. The only alternative is to descend into a basin for water. We
wanted to camp right on the ridge for the best views, especially sunset
and sunrise. I was not sure I could take the whole weekend for a trip
so I did not agree to go until 8:30 pm on Friday and only then began to
We met at 7:45 am Saturday and headed east on Highway 2. Over Stevens
Pass and left to Lake Wenatchee and then to the Chiwawa River Road. A
right turn at 9.4 miles and 5.7 miles to the trailhead. There are only
wide spots on the road to park with room for up to 6 cars if care it
taken. There was one car there as we packed up and got started at 10:25
am. I was warned that the trail starts out steep. Yes it does. It's 1.4
miles to the junction on the ridge. The route gains 1200' and has some
flat spots. There has not yet been any log clearing. We found at least
half a dozen big trees down that required going over or around. The
overs were not all that easy. It will be much better when they are
removed. We took a short break at the junction then headed on.
The first junction is with the trail that climbs over Basalt Peak. We
quickly met another junction. The way is all in forest up to here but
we soon broke out into the open. The "getting very hot" open. The high
was only supposed to be 63 at about 6000' but it was much warmer. We
also encountered mosquitoes. Not a black wave but enough to be
bothersome all weekend. We climbed up to an open area with some nice
views for lunch at noon. The view only improved the higher we went. I
have only done one backpack this year and Bob and Kolleen none. The
heavier packs, the steep trail, and one of the first hot days of the
year really slowed us down. Slow but at least we kept moving.
We worked our way around the first high point and the trail moved onto
the ridge top. Some trees, grass, flowers and soon some snow. We met
two other nwhikers members, Hit The Trail and Get Out And Go as they
were coming down. They hiked up the ridge and descended into the meadow
for the night. They also went up to the Entiat Crest. They verified
that we would soon be reaching plenty of snow on the ridge to allow
water if we camped there. Views out to Glacier Peak, and other peaks
kept improving. We were also able to see south to Mt. Daniel and Mt.
Rainier. Really nice.
As we approached Pt. 6763 we found a pretty good campsite but chose to
go on. The trail contours to the left of the point dropping some and
climbing back to the ridge. Some flowers here and many more coming.
This slope is grassy meadow and gets a lot of sun. Back on the ridge
we found another good campsite candidate. We went a little farther but
backtracked to that spot. Enough room for two tents with a solid
snowbank alongside. Great mountain views from camp. This was at about
6500'. We had thought about climbing up to the Entiat Crest at 7400' to
camp but it was already afternoon and too hot to enjoy toting overnight
packs up there.
We set up camp and headed on up the ridge. Most all of the ridge still
snow. There were a few bare spots and some spots where you could walk
alongside the snow. For the most part we trudged up the snow. Of course
as with most ridges there were ups and downs along the way. Garland
Peak had been in sight since our campsite and it was a tempting goal.
Bob and Kolleen had already been up it so they did not have a burning
desire to return. Our pace was glacial up the snowy ridge. High up the
narrow ridge broadened into a steeper snowfield and we put on
microspikes to improve traction. Nice but not necessary.
At the top the flat ridge was mostly bare. Bare and very windy. The
cold was welcome but very cold. I headed over to a high point on the
ridge to Garland and Bob and Kolleen soon followed. Their chihuahuas
need parkas first. The small dogs did the whole 4000' climb. Great
views from our perch. The trees on and below
this point were largely larch. Nice late fall color. The precipitous
north side of Garland was in site. Unfortunately the map showed a 300'
drop and 525' climb to get over there. The late afternoon heat made it
seem like not such a good idea. We also had a great view of the Devil's
Smokestack. That too would have to await another day. We had a nice
stay as the wind and elevation made for less bugs than at camp. At 4:20
we reluctantly headed back to camp.
The trip down was as much fun as the trip up was a slog. I plunge
stepped or standing glissaded much of it. Rather than detour onto dirt
we went most all the way down on snow. Fast and easy. We arrived back
at camp at about 5:00 pm. DEET helped but more clothing helped more. At
least we had the snow bank to cool us off. Bob had placed a black
garbage sack on the snow with a pile of snow on it. A pot sat on the
ground below. It worked great and we had a full pot of water for dinner
without wasting stove fuel. We stayed up until dark which was much
later than in Seattle. I turned in well past 9:00 pm and it was not yet
totally dark.
I woke up in time to head outside for photos of the morning sun on the
mountains. Sunrise and sunset views and photos from high in the
mountains are a real treat. We were packed up and on the trail by 9:00
am and in just under two hours were back at the car. Sunday would be a
much warmer day and the relatively cooler morning hiking was much
appreciated. Still felt awfully warm to me. This was a great first
summer backpacking trip. We saw only two other people, had sunny skies
both days, enough water to camp on a soon to be barren ridge, and
plenty of exercise. My GPS logged 9.50 miles with 4000' of elevation
gain including ups and downs. My first visit to Basalt Ridge but not my
Pair's NWHikers Trip Report & Photos

Queen's Cup

Busy Bears

Silver Crown

First Peak Views

Mt. Daniel

Climbing Higher

Glacier Peak

Snow On Ridge

Ridge Is Ahead

Traversing Pt. 6763


Heading To Crest

Onward & Upward

Rampart In Sight

Bob Near The Crest

Our Route From Camp

Devils Smokestack

Clark Mountain

Glacier Peak From Crest

Garland Peak


Rampart Mountain

Clark To Glacier


Afternnon Light On Clark

Our Route Down

Trail Pair Descending

Mt. Maude

Kolleen On Ridge

Indian Paintbrush

Snag Against Blue Sky

Sunset Behind Glacier

Clark Sunset

Final Sunset Shot

Darknesss At Camp

Morning Light On Clark

Morning Glacier

Leaving Camp


Log Across Trail
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2011