had only been up the Norse Peak
trail 2 or 3 times in 25 years though I had been to the summit 3 other
times via the winter ridge route. My first visit was on the old trail
and it was shorter and steep. The new trail is very gentle as it makes
many long switchbacks up the mountain. I had a heck of a time settling
on a destination not making the final choice until 7:30 am. I was on
the road at 7:55 heading south. From Enumclaw down Highway 410 to
Crystal Mountain and 4.2 miles up the access road from the highway.
Their is no trailhead parking lot. Cars park right alongside the road.
I was underway at 9:45 am.
The way starts with 2/10ths of a mile of dirt road to the actual trail.
There is a sign but it has no words to identify the Norse Peak trail.
The way starts out at a gentle grade and never changes.
The morning was cool but sunny. As I climbed it quickly warmed up. This
is a dry trail. No creek crossings all the way to the summit. I had
plenty of water and it never became all that hot. A few ripe
strawberries near the start and some wildflower most of the way up. A
few open slopes had much more color. The first views out through the
trees were of the ridge across the valley and up the valley to the ski
area. The lot was already filling up. Since I had all day there was no
real hurry. I took lots of photo breaks. Many times I came to bits of
the old trail. Some had "trail closed" signs. Most of the junctions had
no signs. Taking the gently graded uphill trail was always the correct
At one open switchback I noticed that the big white top of Mt. Rainier
came into view. Not a cloud in the sky. The ice cream cone like summit
was crystal clear. Lots of tiger lilies for about the 4th week in a
row. They seem to be blooming everywhere right now. The trail goes from
open slopes to forest numerous times. A few minutes of views then back
into the cool forest. The trail has not been logged out yet this year
though none of the half dozen plus logs down presented a problem. I did
manage to drag one off the trail. It had been so long since I had been
up the trail that I remembered almost none of it. Near the ridge top
the route switchbacked up some larger green meadows. I saw exactly one
beargrass here, the only one of the day.
The trail reached the ridge top and followed it a short way. It reached
a junction with a trail dropping down the back side. Just after the
route traversed below the ridge on the left side. A short steep climb
brought me back to the ridge top and now onto the right side. The next
section is the sketchiest part of the hike. The route is narrow on the
steep hillside as it also has some loose rock here. Not really
dangerous but a little unnerving if you only hike wide smooth trails.
That is quickly\y passed and the route aims for the summit which is
finally in sight. The trail winds around the left side before climbing
up the summit. Along here I saw the only magenta Indian paintbrush of
the day.
I arrived at the summit at 12:20. 5 miles in 2 hours and 35 minutes.
Not too bad considering all the stops for photos and just to enjoy the
views. There were three hikers on the summit. They were enjoying a
little wine. When offered I accepted a glass. Not what I usually find
on a summit. Those folks had a great time coming up and were soon to be
heading back down. Great summit views. Mt. Adams was especially clear.
Still a lot of white on the north side. There were clouds to the west
and north with Mt. Baker hidden in white. Glacier Peak did peak out
from behind the Cascade crest peaks just north of Snoqualmie Pass.
The other soon left and I had a brief time alone before a group of 12
arrived. I like meeting other hikers but 12 was just a little too much
so I moved down the slope a ways. Warm at the summit with a little cool
breeze made for near perfect conditions. I had no bug problems coming
up but they were present on the summit. The wind kept them mostly at
bay. I spent 1:45 on top, outlasting the big group and allowing me to
go back to the summit. At 2:00 pm I headed down. The hike down was very
easy. The old 4 mile trail was lengthened to 5 miles and is the same
gentle grade most all the way. I met a couple of groups coming up and
mysteriously I could hear voices behind me though I never saw the
hikers. They must have come up a different route. They came out just a
few minutes behind me.
With only about a half mile to go I met a large group of horse riders.
I had to climb down the steep slope to let them by. I think there were
8-10 horses in the group. I reached my car at about 4:00 pm. This was a
very nice hike. Other than the one summit group I saw very few folks.
The temperature was perfect. Bugs were not a problem. The summit views
are outstanding. Wildflowers were not spectacular but good along much
of the way. There was no snow on the trail. On a summer day like this
the trail should have been
packed. After two winter trips and a long period since my last summer
visit it was nice to do this hike on a warm dry day.

Trailhead Non Sign


Lupine Close Up

Hiking Grouse

Lit Up Paintbrush

First View Out

Crystal Mt. Ski Area


Rainier Peaks Over Ridge

Closer Look

Even Closer

Open Grassy Slope

Flower Lined Trail

Bright Paintbrush

Trail & Rainier

Bright Lupine

More Of The Mountain

Rainier Over Meadow

Ridge To The North

Flowers On Ridge Top

Tranversing To Summit

Magenta Paintbrush

Glacier Peak

Cascade Crest Peaks

Mt. Rainier From Summit

Mt. Adams

Meadering Ridge

Ski Area

Steamboat Prow

Adams Close Up

Emmons Glacier

Upper Emmons

Sketchy Trail

Only Snow Seen


Gently Graded Trail
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2011