June 2007 Gary and I made our first visit to Tronsen Ridge. The flower
show was spectacular. Each year since then I have returned. This has
been a very good year for wildflowers and I wanted to see Tronsen while
they were still near the peak. Kim joined me for this visit. We were
heading east by 6:30 am. One stop in Cle Elum then north to Blewett
Pass and five miles farther north to Five Mile Road. It is about 3.5
miles up the road to the trailhead. Road is getting brushy in a few
places so beware of scratching paint on your car. Several good sized
ruts. No problem at all in Kim's truck. My Outback would have been
fine. Tougher in a sedan. We arrived at the trailhead to find nobody
else. I thought someone would be camping up there. We arrived at 8:45
and were on the trail just after 9:00.
The crazy spot forecast called for 88 degrees in Cashmere down below us
and 62 degrees high for the trailhead. I don't know about Cashmere but
it felt like much more than 62 degrees in the afternoon. The morning
was warm enough for shorts and short sleeves. The flower show was a
little less than I have seen in the first mile. Still very good with
balsamroot a little past peak and the others near peak. The others
included lupine, Indian Paintbrush, mariposa lilies, penstemon, and
more. The way goes into forest and we soon saw the first of a whole lot
of Tweedy's lewisia. Some a little past peak but many very near the
peak. After four previous visits we are getting to know exactly where
to look for certain flowers.
Glacier lily pods were all around but only near the high point of the
day did we see one in full bloom. Several downed logs have already been
cut out. Either a trail crew or motorcyclists with a chain saw have
been up the trail. At the first place where the trail traverses open
rocky slopes on the west side of the ridge we took the usual short
detour. Columbia lewisia, mariposa lilies, balsamroot, scarlet gilia,
and bitterroot were in bloom. The flower show sprang into high gear. On
the open traverse we saw many onions that were just short of full
bloom. We also saw the usual display of locoweed, both the gold and red
plus yellow and green varieties. Many bitterroots in the usual place
but not the white with a green center ones. First time I have not seen
them there.
On the east side of the ridge again we law many more Tweedy's lewisia.
The usual place had a hillside of old man's whiskers. A steep climb at
the Red Hill trail junction brought us to the short detour to the rocky
high point. Lots of Tweedy's just like last year. It was already near
noon and time for a short lunch break. It is 2.75 miles to this point.
The clear sky allowed for great views of Miller, Earl, Navaho, and
Three Brothers peaks in the Teanaway plus Mt. Stuart and the Stuart
Range. All still had plenty of snow in early July. Mt. Rainier and Mt.
Adams were also in sight.
We continued with another open traverse with a lot more wildflower
color. It was getting pretty warm by this time. Warmer than I have felt
since last fall. We continued to make numerous stops for more
photographs. At the end of the traverse was another place with loads of
bitterroot. We had seen many more white and very pale pink bitterroot
early on. At this place above the trail we found all colors from white
to very dark pink. About half were in bloom and half still to come. As
always I love how the trail goes from desert with bitteroot, gilia, and
sagebrush to green grass and forest with a quick pass to the other side
of the ridge. two dramatically different environments only a few dozen
feet apart.
A short descent and ridge walk brought us to the lichen wall. The trail
traverses below a vertical wall of rock. The rock is "painted" with red
and green lichen. The result is an unexpected sight. This is the
farthest Kim had been on the trail. The next part was all new for her.
A group of motorcyclist, the first people we had seen all day, passed
us here. The short open switchbacks up to the ridge again is on soft
loose sandy dirt. Once back up to the ridge the trail firms up again.
The climb to the high point is a steady but not steep grind. Only the
heat was a problem.
We found rock gardens along the trail with a lot of paintbrush, lupine,
penstemon, and Tweedy's. The route flattens on the plateau which was
our high point for the day. Big old trees with only grass and a little
sage brush between. The grass is long and lush. We detoured to our
right and the highest point. Nice views out to the mountains as well as
south down Tronsen Ridge towards Diamond Head. One tree near the top
provided shade. A dozen colors of wildflowers are in bloom at this
spot. The GPS recorded 4.62 miles to hear with 1600' of gain. We had
700' more gain on the way back. At 5200' we were actually only about
1100' above the trailhead. A cool breeze was blowing to make it very
We had a nice long lunch and nap before getting started again. Before
heading back we explored the plateau and I again found a great rock
garden. A lot of scarlet gilia, bitterroot, paintbrush, lupine,
sagebrush, desert parsley, Tweedy's lewisia, and mounds of many colors
of phlox in bloom. One of the highlights of the day. We arrived at
lunch at 2:00 pm but it was 3:30 before we started back down the trail.
The open traverses were uncomfortably hot for us heat wimps. A few
solitary trees provided a shady break before heading back out into the
heat. A little breeze helped a lot.
We took far fewer photos on the way back. The uphill grunts were not
appreciated at all. The last couple miles were mostly in forest and
very pleasant. A couple motorcycles passed us again. Likely some of the
same ones who had passes us earlier. I did see a few footprints heading
down the trail but we did not see a single other hiker all day. At 6:30
pm we reached the trailhead once again. No other cars to be seen. The
drive down the road seemed much worse than up for some reason. We
stopped at Mineral Springs for dinner. Not too crowded and good service
and food.
It was 10:20 pm when I finally reached home. A very full day of hiking
and wildflower photography. Eventually I will get tired of visiting
Tronsen every year. Eventually. Until then I will continue to enjoy
what is usually the best day of wildflowers for the whole year. Final
statistics were 9.37 miles hiked with 2300' of gain. Our time down was
2 hours faster than up. All in all, a great day for wildflowers and
solitude on the first day of a holiday weekend.
Kim's Report & Photos at NWHikers

Mariposa Lily

Grassy Meadow

Paintbrush & Lupine

Teanaway & Stuart Pks

Insanely Bright

Narrow Brown Trail

First Tweedy's Lewisia

Back Lit Balsamroot

Sky & Wildflowers

Old Man's Whiskers

Columbia Lewisia

Balsamroot Border

Pink Lupine


Scarlet Gilia

First White Bitterroot

Triple Bitterroot

Really Blue Sky


Penstemon & Balsamroot

Even More Balsamroot

Yellow Tweedy's

More Mountain Views

Pink Tweedy's

Pink Bitterroot

Densely Packed Flowers

Clouds & Wildflowers


White With Pink

Lichen Wall

Colorful Bouquet

Lone Tweedy's

Rock & Tweedy's

Great Rock Garden

Tweedy's Lit Up

Bundle Of Pink

Lunch Two Rock

Single Bitterroot

Another Gilia

Phlox Carpet

Grassy Plateau

Trees & Grass

Yellow/Pink Tweedy's

Kim On Ridge Top

A Last Balsamroot

Yellow Locoweed

Colorful Lupine

Red Paintbrush
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2011