had a rare Saturday business
meeting on Puyallup's South Hill. It was scheduled for 9:00 am so I
planned to get in a hike while in the area. Pack Forest is not too much
farther south. My last
visit to Pack Forest was after a
meeting with
the same clients back in 2002. Ten years later I returned for my fourth
visit. I headed straight down Highway 161 through Eatonville to Highway
7. A left turn and the entrance was just ahead on the left. I parked
right by the highway next to the Hugo Peak trail. I was on the trail at
11:35 am. It had rained for much of my drive and it was very gray but
dry when I started.
A number of wildflowers are blooming at lower levels. I did not see any
trillium. They are probably done for the year. A sign asked hikers to
try not to walk on the calypso orchids. I have seen a lot of them this
spring but none this day. My decision not to wear rain pants was a bad
one. While the trail is not overly brushy the wet brush did hang across
it and I was soon soaked. On went the rain pants, though a bit late.
The sign at the start says it is 2.5 miles to Hugo Peak. My GPS
registered exactly 2 miles. The flats at the bottom were muddy but the
trail has numerous boardwalks to get you across. My lightweight boots
were soon soaked and stayed that way all day.
I was surprised that this trail has not received much/any maintenance
so far this year. There are a number of trees down. None proved to be
much trouble to get around. There are a few spots with views in old
clear cuts. Not much of a view this day. Mostly just other peaks in the
clouds. With the recent rain and overcast the green forest was really
green. Great colors. Dripping moss all over the place. The route is
never steep as it climbs up Hugo Peak. Near the top are a number of old
grassy roads all well signed to keep you on track. All I could recall
about the summit was that it was a flat meadow with few views. The flat
part was correct. Several benches sit at one end by an opening in the
trees. Not much to see but clouds this day.
Since I had a late start I had a late lunch on top of Hugo. I pulled
out my map and planned out the rest of the day. I knew I wanted to
finish with a visit to Little Mashel Falls. My initial itinerary
changed a few times as I went along. From Hugo Peak I dropped down to
Kirkland Pass going by the Reservoir Trail. I have done that one before
but planned on bypassing it today. Kirkland Pass is the center of Pack
Forest. Five roads/trails meet here and one hikers only trail. How
could I not head out on the Trail Of The Giants?SS
This trail goes through an area kept as old growth. The sign mentions
that a fire swept through in 1800 with some trees surviving. The others
are "only" up to 212 years old. There are a number of big trees along
this trail. It is a must see place in Pack Forest. The trail has not
seen much recent upkeep as there were again a number of trees down
across the trail. Add a little mud to the wet brush and I was dripping
soon enough. It is a fun narrow trail with enough big trees to keep me
entertained. The trail drops then climbs up to a road. Across the way
is the trail to Windy Ridge. I have done that one before so I chose to
turn right on the road.
For the most part the roads in Pack Forest are not rock hard gravel.
Mostly pretty easy on the feet. Many have grass growing down the
middle. There were more views out along here but once again not much
but gray clouds to see. I always add at least one new trail on each
visit and this time I headed for the New Forestry trail. A new trail?
Maybe in excellent shape? I took a right then a left as the road began
a gentle descent. There were no maps in the map boxes around the route
but I printed one at home. Add in the GPS which did not have all the
roads or trails and I had enough info though I had to stop occasionally
to puzzle out where to go next.
I found the New Forestry trail easily enough. It was definitely not a
trail. It is more of a route than trail. In forested places there is
real tread. In other places just a slightly wider spot in the grass or
bushes. If my boots had been dry before they stood no chance of
remaining that way. There are some very big skunk cabbage leaves
growing on the trail. I had to lift them up in one place to see where
to go. There are yellow diamonds nailed to trees all along the route so
I was in no danger of losing the way. A most interesting trail. Very
different from the one up Hugo Peak. The trail dumped me out on a road
that was not on my GPS. From the paper map I figured my position. A
left turn then a right and I was heading up to Windy Ridge.
An obvious left turn took me to the top of Windy Ridge. There is a
tower up there now. I descended back to the road and went left. This
route makes a circle back to Kirkland Pass. On the way I made one more
short jaunt to the high point of Pack Forest at 2040'. There is another
memorial plaque up there. To the south I saw some very black clouds
heading my way. Overhead it was actually sunny for the first time all
day. I had dumped the rain pants after the New Forestry trail and my
pants were finally drying out. It was easy walking with a gentle
descent back to Kirkland Pass. At the pass I chose to take the road
to the falls. My umbrella soon came out as those black clouds were now
overhead and spitting rain. The road makes a sharp turn to the left at
a water tower and continues to drop.
A road came in on the right and I pulled out the map. I thought it
might be the road over to the falls. This one headed uphill and I
thought the falls access road was flatter. I chose to take the new
road. I was incorrect. By the time I was sure I was on the wrong road I
was half a mile along. Well, I was out to get in some miles this day.
Mission accomplished. I came back down and continued down the road. A
little farther along the terrain flattened and a road headed off to the
right. It was marked as "falls". Yep, that's the one. The trail to the
falls is not well marked. A boot path heading left across some grass
seemed familiar and I took it. That part was correct. It immediately
crosses a grassy road. Coming out I took the grassy road out to the
road I came in on and there is a rock with "falls" painted on it.
The trail sits on a bluff above the Little Mashel River. The river is
far below. It winds through forest with a number of boot paths going
over the lip of the bluff. I recalled a steep trail that dropped to the
top of the middle and bottom of the lower falls. After going a ways I
decided to go back to one of the descending paths. It was very steep
and slick with mud. I turned around and headed back where I just came
from. This time I went farther. The Falls trail continues well beyond
the falls turn off, at least on the map. At a slightly bigger boot path
I turned off and began to drop off the bluff. It was muddy and steep
with a few trees down across it but it was the correct route.
I reached a trail going right and left parallel to the river and turned
right. This brought me to the middle falls. It was very loud as the
water cascades over the small middle falls then drops down the larger
125' lower falls. You can stand right at the top of the big falls.
After a short stay I went back to the descending trail and followed it
down. On my other visits the last 50' was a slick scramble. Now the
trail goes all the way to the bottom. It is very muddy at the end.
There is a great viewpoint before the last drop. The falls is right in
front of you. I could hear voices but not see anyone. Huh? Where were
they? I put on a rain coat and went to the base of the falls. The noise
was deafening. Much more water coming over the falls than on my
previous visits. Lots of spray. I went to the right to get out of the
spray. There I spied the people behind the voices.
Four teenagers were coming out from behind the falls. I went over to
talk. They said it was easy enough to get back there. As they left I
decided to go take a look. I should have put my rain pants back on. I
did not. The slabs of rock were as slick as ice, maybe slicker. It was
all I could do not to fall down. Low and behold the path did go right
behind the falls. I'm not saying it is risk free or that everyone
should try but it was neat to climb back there. Very loud. I was
surprised to be able to see through the falling water. It was not dry.
My pants were completely soaked in seconds. I managed to get a short
movie without ruining my camera though it was
plenty wet.
With all the fun done I headed back up the trail. Those four kids were
the only people I saw in a 6 1/2 hour trip. Climbing back up the muddy
trail was easier than descending. I retraced my steps back to the main
loop road and followed it back. It ends at the main administration area
and hikers parking lot. I just had to walk the paved road back to the
highway and my car. I arrived at 6:00 pm. It was a fun day with some
good trails, some less good trails, easy road walking, a big waterfall,
some rain, and almost no other people. If you have to work on a weekend
it's nice to still get in a hike somewhere you seldom visit. It was
late enough that the traffic on Meridian was only somewhat bad instead
of gridlock. A small price to pay for a fun day in the forest.

Dripping Flowers

Bright Colors


Scotch Broom

Well Signed

Hugo Peak Summit

Hugo Peak View

Road Becoming Trail

Lit Up Ferns

Reservoir Trail

Kirkland Pass

Trail Of The Giants

Long Nurse Log

Pack For Scale

Log Is Trail

I Need To Duck

New Forestry Trail

Trail? What Trail?

Green & Muddy

Big Skunk Cabbage

Windy Ridge Tower

What Is It?

Blue Sky!

Strawberry Flowers

Many Shades Of Green

Water Tower

Top Of Big Falls

Middle Falls

Little Mashel Falls View

Straight On

Right Side View

Farther Right

Look Behind

On The Road Again

Field Of Buttercups

Small Lake
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2012