called to invite me on a hike to Circle Peak. A very temporary opening
of the closed road allowed us to avoid the 10+ miles of road walking or
biking. It was Friday or not at all. I said no. I called back and said
yes. Such a short trail to such amazing views. I could not turn down a
one time opportunity, even on a work day. Kim and I hiked up Circle
Peak back in 2007. That backpacking trip required miles of walking on
the washed out Whitechuck Road. Even with that road now repaired it is
an 18 mile trip via Crystal Creek. I put in 3 hours at work then we
headed north. Gwen signed on too and we picked her up along the way.
The road to the trailhead is very brushy and high clearance was very
helpful. It took about an hour to drive the last dozen miles. At 1:30
pm we reached the road end. The new trail from Crystal lake is the way
to reach Circle Peak. The old trail from the parking lot up though a
clear cut is long gone. Kim biked up a few years back and found a trail
down the road a ways that climbed to the new trail. I misunderstood and
headed up the very brushy clear cut. Oops! Kim and Gwen followed me and
we fought our way up to the trail.
A short way along the trail we came to a huge tree that fell right
across the tread. No choice but to drop down around the end and climb
back up. this has been a great year for mushrooms and it was no
surprise to find them all along the way. There were big, small, and
many colors of mushrooms. A number of very old bridges and boardwalks
remain. they are mostly rotting away. Periodically we found new ones in
their places. Only that one tree blocks the trail. For the most part it
is in good condition. The trail is a little under 2.5 miles to the top.
It gains just under 2000'. Not really steep but steadily gaining
We passed a boulder field then back into forest. Across a neat though
collapsing bridge over Circle Creek. We took a short break at a meadow.
Some berries though not very sweet. more climbing brought us
to another meadow. Back into forest on more time until we broke out
into the upper meadow slopes. On our Labor Day Weekend visit 6 years
earlier we had flowers all over the hillside. this time it was yellow
false hellebore and loads of ripe berries. Lots of big berries. Too
many to pass them by. We kept switchbacking up the slope all the way to
the ridge top. From there we could look down on part of
Indigo Lake and see out to many more peaks.
Climbing up to the ridge we first had a view out to Mt. Pugh. They
Whitechuck Mountain came into view. Higher up it was Sloan Peak, Meadow
Mountain, and Black Mountain. When we reached the ridge Glacier Peak
was now right in our faces. The trail continued at a level grade just
below the right side of the ridge. We contoured until right below
Circle Peak then switchbacked up to the false summit. On our first
visit we did not see an easy way over to the old lookout site. This
time I arrived first and started along the narrow ridge. Quite
impressive drop offs on both sides. There is a short exposed section
with good foot and hand holds. This time I scampered right across. A
drop and climb quickly had me at the lookout site on the real summit.
The views from the false summit are outstanding They are even better
from the real summit. To the west were Whitechuck, Whitehorse, Higgens,
and Round Mountain. To the north were Baker, Shuksan,
Buckindy, Green, Downey, Lime Ridge,
Dome, and many more. To the east Glacier Peak dominated the view. Far
to the south I think I was able to pick out Sperry, Vesper, and Big
Four. Such fantastic views. I arrived on top at 4:10 pm. Kim and Gwen
arrived soon after. We signed the register that sits in an old mailbox.
Though sunset is now just after 7:00 pm we had a nice long summit stay.
We headed back to the false summit and headed down right at 5:00 pm. A
longer summit stay and more time to eat berries would have been nice
but we hoped to drive down the narrow overgrown road before darkness
set in.
The trip down was much faster. We were back above the parking lot by
6:20 pm. Instead of fighting through the brush again we followed the
trail beyond the parking lot. Right where the new trail down to the
road turn s off a big tree fell right across the trail. It also fell
across several switchbacks in the short trail down. Instead of
bushwhacking we climbed over a huge tree on as steep slope. Well, it
worked okay. We quickly changed and started down the road. We made it
down to the closure point just before darkness. It was 8:00 pm by the
time we reached Darrington. After dinner it was very late by the time I
reached home.
This was a great trip. Circle Peak may well be worth the long 18 mile
round trip from the Whitechuck side or the 10+ miles round trip on the
closed road to reach the trailhead where we started. Wildflowers or
berries in season on the wide open slopes below the peak. Fantastic
views from the top. I'm just glad I changed my mind and took advantage
of this one time short cut. A great day was had by all of us.

Ascending Clear Cut

Trail Is Above

Big Tree Across Trail

Red Mushroom

Very White Fungus

Very Old Bridge

Big Meadow

Photo Break

Pineapple Mushroom?

Mega Shrooms


Bear's Head Fungus

Out Of Forest

Gwen On Trail

Sloan Peak

Mt. Pugh

Yellow Hellebore

Whitechuck Mountain

Closer Whitechuck Mt.

Circle Peak Summit

Many Ridges

Black Mountain

Meadow Below

Circle Slopes

Glacier Peak In Sight

Nearing Summit

Circle Peak Summit

Mt. Shuksan

Green Mountain

Mt. Baker

Mt. Buckindy

Kim & Summit Register

Gwen Scrambles Ridge

Gwen & Glacier Peak

Scrambling Ridge

Another Glacier Peak

Heading Down

Big Mushroom

Dome Peak

Dome Close Up

Nice Colors

Descending Slopes

Fall Color

Summer Flowers

Seed Pods

9 Mile Marker

Crossing Creek

Brushy Road
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2013