headed out of Seattle for Mt.
Persis. That is a hike I have not yet done. The forecast the day before
called for mostly sunny. Great, there are terrific view from high on
the summit ridge. As we headed north the clouds grew thicker. Mist
turned to light rain. This was not what we had planned on. With zero
views likely we began to kick around other ideas. A high enough start
to avoid rain was the main requirement. We settled on Welldigger's Ass.
A short hike on the east side of the crest. Suzanne, Barry, and I had
done it but Barb and David had not. We cruised across Stevens Pass and
turned right at Yodelin, about 1 1/2 miles across the pass. It was
about 9:25 am when we were packed up and heading out. A brisk 28
degrees with a little cold breeze at the start.
We headed straight up the slope and intersected the snow covered road
after a short distance. Two snowboarders were snowshoeing up. We went
just ahead of them. There was 4 or 5 inches of fresh snow over a hard
crust. Travel was not all that hard. We had some views down and across
the valley though higher peaks were in the clouds. This area is popular
with skiers and snowboarders. On my first visit we saw many. So far
this day we had just seen the first group of two. We passed the cement
block. It looks to be part of an old ski lift. Similar to one just off
the trail to Mt. Pilchuck.
A few more minutes and we were on the ridge crest. Two skiers were
already there. At the ridge we turned left and dropped a short ways to
a meadow. From there it is a steady climb up to the top of Welldigger's
Ass. Snow conditions were very good. Soft snow but minimal sinking in.
Up we went. Part way up is a a burned forest. The spidery white limbs
were covered with ice and snow. Very nice. There is not much of a
summit. The high point is not much higher than most of the summit ridge
around it. We stopped for an early lunch. It was only 11:20 am. Just
over two hours to climb 1700' in two miles. Not long but some very nice
snowshoeing. The clouds thinned a little and we could see down to the
valley below. The Stevens Nordic Center track is in that valley. Not
even close to seeing any other peaks.
After lunch we packed up and headed down. On the way we passed several
groups of skiers heading up. At the point we reached the ridge we chose
to head up to another slight high point in the other direction. More
easy travel. There were some truly impressive snow blobs on smaller
trees. The trees were bent over by the very heavy snow. David
"liberated" one tree from its snowy prison. It was only 12:05 pm when
we dropped off the ridge. The way down was fast. On the way we met two
guys building a ski ramp. A number of other groups were heading up. It
was not even 1:00 pm when we made it down. At that early hour the
traffic was still pretty light. Crossing over Stevens Pass all the lots
had "Parking Lot Full" signs. Lots of folks enjoying a day on the
This day did not end up being anything like what we had planned. With
the mist and thick clouds at Mt. Persis on the way up and again on the
way home we were happy with our choice. We had good snow, good weather,
and minimal crowds. No views were to be had anywhere but on this short
trip it was not that disappointing. I'll get up Mt. Persis one of these
days. One of these clear days.

Icy Parking Lot

Starting Up

Well Packed Track

Break Time

View Down

Cloud Level

Near Ridge Top

Heading Up Burn

Here Comes Barb

Icy Branches

Group On Summit

Summit Ridge

Flocked Trees

Descending Burn

View To Valley

Continuing Down

Welldigger In Clouds

Big Snow Blob

Plastered Trees

Group Shot

Snow Monster

Monster Slain!

Concrete Block

Leaving Ridge Top
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2013