Creek - Mt. Washington Loop
had been meaning to explore this trail for years. Back in the early
1990s I hiked the old railroad grade and found a boot path heading up.
It was very narrow on a very steep hillside. I went up a few
switchbacks and gave up. It appeared to be a way for climbers to hike
down after climbing the nearby wall. Six or seven years ago I read
reports of this now being a trail that connected to the old Great Wall
route up Mt. Washington. I planned to check it out sometime. Fast
forwards half a dozen years and the time had come. I needed to be home
by mid afternoon and chose this close in hike. There were four or five
cars in the lot at the trailhead just off the Exit 38 ramp. The access
road is in serious need of regrading. I was on my way by the not so
early hour of 8:15 am. It was much warmer than I was expecting.
Up the trail to the access road then to the Iron Horse trail. Other
than this short bit the trip would be a loop. I turned left and headed
along the grade. The route crosses Change creek on a trestle and
reaches the climbing area. There were several groups already climbing.
Past that a ways is a section with a railing on each side. The trail
begins by going behind the railing. It immediately looked much
different than the narrow scramble route I was in some 15 - 20 years
earlier. This is a real trail. Not particularly wide but plenty wide
for one person to hike. Lots of moderately steep switchbacks at first
and for much of the way up. This trail gains elevation very
The humidity was way above western Washington levels. I was quickly
soaked with sweat pouring down my face. At least I was in the shade.
Most of the lower part is in forest. To the right is a near vertical
rock wall. To the left is the valley of Hall Creek. The trail climbs
with very short switchbacks up a narrow forested slope. In time some
views open up. On is down to the waterfall on Hall Creek. It is not
very large this time of year. One switchback goes by Whitebark's
Bivouac. It is a small depression in the rock wall. At one point there
is a big rock perched on the edge of the slope. It looks like one big
kick and it's in the SF Snoqualmie River.Well, maybe a kick and a
little dynamite. I kept looking up for the tip of the ridge
and it did not seem to be coming. Eventually a flat ridge was just
My GPS map showed a fairly flat ridge jutting out to the north. I took
the side trail marked " Ollalie Point. The ridge is fairly level but
not wide or flat. In two places it is more of a knife edge. The drop on
both sides is enormous. Falling is not an option. After the narrow
spots the ridge does widen. Near the end is a big flat area. Views are
east and north to Mt. Defiance, and peaks along that ridge. Down is the
Hall Creek Trestle on the railroad grade. It was a hazy morning and
photos were not as clear as anticipated. I'll just have to come back.
The detour took much longer than I expected. The good news is that high
on the ridge the humidity had dropped significantly. There was still no
breeze at all but it was much less muggy.
The trail now followed the ridge at a less steep grade. Still more
switchbacks but my pace picked up. Just past Ollalie Point is
Change Ck. Vista. this view is more to the west and north. It
is almost on the trail. More climbing brought me to another sign. This
one is for Hall Point. A short minute or two climb goes to an open spot
on the ridge top. Some very nice views here. Back on trail the route
soon begins to traverse below the ridge top. It reaches the end of an
old logging spur. The grade is a bit overgrown but not too badly. It
had rained the previous afternoon and a heavy dew left shaded brush
wet. Everything in the sun was dry. I got a little wet but the shade
was refreshing. Another junction goes to a viewpoint named J's Landing.
This one I passed by for another visit. A sign near the start of the
Change Creek Trail listed Mt. Washington as 6 miles away. I still had a
long ways to go.
The route passed a bench and crossed Change Creek where it was in a
culvert. It began to head north. I came to another junction I read
about in a trip report. It is marked "Short Cut" and just cuts off a
spot where the road continues then switches back. I wanted to hike the
whole trail so opted for the long cut. Not a smart move. The old
road/trail immediately became brushier. The farther I went the brushier
it was. After the switchback I could no longer see the ground through
the thick brush. I picked up a number of cuts here. The thought of
another mile or more of this was disheartening. I was just pushing
through slide alder at one point. Right at the worst of it I came to
the end of the "Short Cut". The route magically improved a whole lot.
The moral is that unless someone does some serious brushing, the Short
Cut is the route to take.
It was still brushy but not too bad. The only draw back was the
dampness soaking my shorts. As expected, once I was out of the brush
they dried fast. The route headed up the valley of Change Creek. I knew
there was a pond up there. I came to a sign that said "Pond" with "Mt
WA" right below it. An arrow between them pointed to the right. Now,
was the pond up the valley at the head or on the short cut trail than
cut off the walk up the rest of the valley? I guessed it was straight
ahead up the valley. I guessed wrong. I walked on and on in wet brush.
Not thick enough to impair progress but thick enough to really soak my
shorts. At the end of the valley the route switched back and began to
head north. No pond. I followed the old road as the brush lessened and
became mostly fireweed, foxglove, and pearly everlasting. Lots of
wildflower color.
In time I reached a small sign. It said "Pond". That settled where the
pond was. The trail there was invisible. I did not drop down to look
for it. I'd guess some brushing is in order. Now i was mostly in the
late morning sun and it was getting very hot. The trail is very sketchy
here. Not hard to walk but with not much of a path. It looks like not a
lot of folks continue on to Mt. Washington. At long last I reached the
junction with the road to the Great Wall and Mt. Washington. I have
hiked that route many times though not recently. The road was
much brushier than I had ever seen it. It is getting to be more a trail
than a wide road in spots. I found one patch of Indian paintbrush mixed
in with pearly everlasting. Bright red and white together. Some good
views to the east and north here though the haze did not help.
I soon crossed the Great Wall and began to hike the ridge top road
along the Seattle watershed boundary. I reached the junction with the
route up to the summit of Mt. Washington and met two hikers. They had
come up Change Creek the evening before and camped near the pond. the
first people I had seen since the climbers along the railroad grade.
The lower part of the route up was brushy as expected. Not many folks
hike it any more. When I reached the new trail junction the route
became much better. Mt. Rainier was completely lost in the haze.
Chester Morse Lake was a bit hazy but clearly visible right below. A
few minutes later I reached the summit. A group was just packing up to
head down. I soon had the summit to myself.
It was 12:15 pm when I reached the top. With side trips, lots of
photos, and the steep lower trail it took me 4 hours to hike up 7
miles. Not a very fast pace. The views were hazy and my goal to get
home early was in tatters so I only stayed on top for 15 minutes.
Another group arrived as I left. I met two more groups just below the
top. The hike down was much faster. Seven miles up but only four miles
back down. I passed several groups heading down and 6 or 7 heading up.
Less than I expected on a sunny summer Saturday. I dropped to the
railroad grade and within several minutes I completed the loop. Back at
the parking lot most all the spaces were filled. I reached my car at
2:12 pm. 1:42 is not such a bad time to descend.
All in all, I liked the full loop trip. Much more interesting than just
going up and down Mt. Washington. As expected, six miles of the loop
had total solitude. Change Creek is a steep trail but it does get you
up high fast. some nice viewpoints along the way. Ollalie Point is fine
for folks comfortable scrambling with some exposure. Turn around if you
are not comfortable. You get a lot of the view before the short knife
edge spots. I now know to take the "Short Cut" to avoid some bleeding
and to take a right to see the pond. Other than that "Pond" sign the
signage is excellent. I'm sure I'll be back to do the loop again soon.

Iron Horse Trail

Rock Climbers

Heading Up Trail

6 Miles Of Uphill To Go

Views Out

Whitebark's Bivouac

Big Rock

Early Fall Color

Hall Creek Falls

Ollalie Point

Ollalie Pt Meadow

Ollalie Pt View East

Hall Creek Trestle

One Knife Edge Spot

Other Knife Edge Spot

Change Creek Vista

Hall Point Sign

J's Landing Junction

Bench Near Change Ck

Brushy Short Cut

Brush Relents

Right To Reach Pond

Indian Paintbrush

Pearly Everlasting

End Of Change Ck Trail

Nice Color

Brushy Road/Trail


More Views



The Great Wall

Mt. Washington

Ridge Top Road/Trail

More Brushy Trail

Chester Morse Lake |

Hazy Summit View |

Foxglove |

Log Across Trail |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2014