Peak Via Standup Creek
have wanted to again hike up the Standup Creek Trail to Earl Peak for
quite a few years. On my last visit in 2007 we took a long time with
photography and when on the ridge the wind was howling. We turned
around about a third of a mile before the top of Earl Peak. That
trip included Karen Sykes. At
the end of this day we received the news that she passed away in Mt
Rainier National Park. A very somber finish to a great day hike. Gwen
joined me and we met in Bellevue at 7:00 am. We headed east to Cle Elum
then up Highway 970 to the Teanaway River Road. One mile beyond the end
of pavement we went right on the Stafford Creek Road. Just as rocky as
ever. Left on the Standup Creek Road to the trailhead. That road was
fine with a Subaru. Most cars could make it though there are a few deep
drain dips to cross. We reached the trailhead at about 8:55 am. By 9:10
we were on our way. There were already two vehicles ahead of us. Two
hikers left a few minutes before us.
The morning was cool but not cold. Shorts and short sleeves were fine
from the start. We had blue sky at first though it turned white as the
day went on. The trail starts on an old road. There are six creek
crossings to the trail junction beneath Earl Peak. One more heading to
the ridge on the Standup Creek Trail. We went up Standup and down the
Bean Creek Trail and had 13 total crossings on the day. They can be
challenging early in the year. There was plenty of water even in mid
June though we managed all the crossings with dry feet. The first
crossing, as well as several others, had very slick rocks to cross on.
After the first crossing the trail begins to narrow. Lower down there
were some spots that were a little brushy.
The wildflower show began at the start and continued most all the way
up. Not overwhelming but a good variety of colors. Trillium down low
were done or purple. Higher we found some still in bloom. Lots of
vanilla leaf in bloom, queen's cup too. There were many columbine in
bloom and some past prime. There were some arnica in bloom but no
balsamroot for most of the trip. Near the Standup - Bean Creek junction
there was a ton of balsamroot right at the peak. Indian paintbrush was
in orange, red, yellow, and salmon colors. We even had some lupine. The
western anemone covered the ground on the Standup Ridge below Earl. A
much better flower display than I was expecting.
There were about a dozen trees down across the trail. Several required
detours around and some a big step to get across them. Annoying but not
too difficult to get around. The trail is a little brushy, as mentioned
earlier. Not a problem on a dry day. A little brushing would be nice
though this trail does not get enough use to warrant too much work. We
worked our way back and forth across the creek gaining altitude at a
gently grade. After the fifth crossing the trail got down to business.
We switchbacked higher on before another crossing took us out of forest
and into the sunshine on a rocky slope. I had hoped to see some scarlet
gilia in bloom here. None on the way up but we did find several clumps
on the way down.
Higher up we could see a big snow patch in the creek below. A lot of
snow there but none below and none above until forest near the saddle.
We crossed the creek a sixth time and reached meadows of Indian
paintbrush and balsamroot. Just before the junction with the Bean Creek
Trail the route nears the creek and a whole bunch of blooming shooting
stars. At the junction we stopped for sun screen, food, and water. One
last creek crossing high on the side of Earl Peak and we went into the
forest and picked up the only sustained snow of the day. Gently
switchbacks took us up to the near the saddle. Just before reaching it
we turned left and headed to the ridge. To this point we had been
passed by one couple and a solo hiker. Another couple was just behind
us. Those alone are more than all the hikers I haave ever seen on many
trips up this trail. Not crowded by any standard except the Standup
Trail's normal use.
From the ridge we could see down to the Stafford Creek
Valley. Across from us was part of the Stuart Range, Navaho Pass,
Navaho Peak, one of the Three Brothers, Little Navaho, and Miller Peak.
Quite a view. The upper valley was partly snow covered. Now came the
best part of the trip. The .70 mile ridge leading to the summit of Earl
Peak. The route stays on the ridge top much of the way. In some places
it is easier on the left side. In a few places just below on the right
side is easier. It is off trail scrambling but not particularly
difficult. There was a wealth of wildflowers on the rocky ridge. As
mentioned, the western anemone covered the ground. We also saw
douglasia, yellow violets, bright red Indian paintbrush, wallflower,
and more. We made slow progress and the cameras were always out.
There are a couple false summits along the ridge. Soon we could see
people on the summit of Earl. It was not clear if we would have to
cross a snow field. On the drive up we saw the SW ridge was bare. There
was some snow near the summit. The final scramble to the top was fun. A
little rock to ascend then about 30 feet of snow and a few minutes
later we were on top. One other couple was left on top. They later left
heading towards Navaho Peak before returning via Standup. A very long
day. We arrived on top at about 2:05 pm. The sky was white. Not the
best for photos. The peaks were all clear of clouds. Not the best but
not too bad at all. We had a nice long stay on top. After all, it was
the longest day of the year.
I put on a jacket but it was not very windy and generally pleasant at
7,036'. We did not head down until about 3:25 pm. Our route down was
the more usual route from Bean Creek Basin. Right up the SW ridge. The
boot path down is on loose gravel much of the way. This ridge too had a
nice supply of blooming wildflowers. big bunches of phlox in different
colors were most abundant. Several groups were heading up as we came
down. at the saddle the signs are all gone. The Bean Creek Trail
heading into Standup Creek's drainage was not obvious. We saw it from
the ridge above and had no trouble getting to the trail. Near the
Standup - Bean Creek junction the balsamroot were wildly colorful and
all over the hillside. From the junction we followed our route up. Our
loop was complete. We saw no more hikers the rest of the day.
At 6:55 pm we crossed the bridge at the trailhead. A fine day of hiking
and scrambling to another Teanaway summit. The drive out had an
unexpected twist. It is not unusual to see cows in the NF Teanaway
Road. I had never seen a whole herd of them in the road. From the
Standup Road junction the next half mile had dozens and dozens of cows
in the road. At the worst spot there is a steep slope above the road
and a steep slope below. We inched along as Gwen was "herding" the cows
with her car. We finally made it through them and sped on to Cle Elum.
At dinner we had Internet access and heard the bad news about Karen
Sykes. A real disappointment after a great day of hiking.



Queen's Cup

First Crossing

Vanilla Leaf

Indian Paintbrush

Earl Is In Sight

Sixth Creek Crossing

Into The Balsamroot

Shooting Stars

Last Creek Crossing

Cascading Creek

Western Anemone

Earl Peak

Navaho Peak

Stuart Range

Climbing Ridge

Mt. Rainier

Rocky Ridge

Snow On Ridge

Mt. Stuart In Sight

Earl Summit

Scrambling Ridge Top

Bright Red Paintbrush

Great Color

New Ferns


Getting Closer

Final Saddle

Off The Snow

Almost There

Stuart Range & Hikers

Mt Adams

Fortune & Ingalls

Cascade Crest Peaks

Bears Breast Mt.

Bean Peak

Hinman & Daniel

Gwen On Summit

Red & White

Bean Creek Basin

More Paintbrush


Heading Down Ridge

One Snow Patch

Buncha Balsamroot

Bright Yellow

Gwen At Work

Snags & Balsamroot

More Shooting Stars

Good Lighting

Scarlet Gilia

Cows Everywhere

Karen Sykes 1

Karen 2

Karen 3
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2014