I was out until late hiking Icicle Ridge near Leavenworth. Sunday I
joined Gwen for another drive out Highway 2. We met in Bothell and
headed east. After the Skykomish Ranger Station we turned right onto
Road 6066. It is a little wet with potholes but we had no trouble
reaching the road end trailhead. There is only space for about a dozen
cars in the lot. I thought there was little room to park along the
road. I was wrong. We arrived at 8:30 am to find several parking spots
still available.
I found out about this trail when it was just finished in 2008. Kim and
I hiked
it when there were no
footprints. It was three years later in 2011 that it was
officially opened. Funds for parking were hard to come by and the trail
sat unused until then. I listed my trip report as "New Trail" as I
promised not to identify it before parking was established. I hiked it
four times before the opening. The last time was right before in 2011.
I had not been back since it was discovered. I knew it would be
popular. It is. 7.4 well graded miles with 2300' of elevation gain to
one of the few mountain top summits reached by trail along Highway 2.
It should not have been accessible in February with the 3000' trailhead
but there has not been much snow this winter.
Gwen and I headed out at about 8:50 am. It was cool but sunny. When I
first hiked it the road went farther. Now the spur has been closed
down. We hiked to the old small road end parking and continued on old
road bed. All the culverts had been pulled since my last visit in 2011.
The old road had a cathedral of overhanging trees that were removed to
get in the heavy equipment to remove the culverts. In the short term
the road/trail does not look as good as it did. In time it will
recover. The road continues about half way to the top. Then it ends
abruptly at an old logging landing. There are great views to the south.
Mts. Daniel and Hinman loom large. A great place for a break. There are
also good fall colors here.
Now the route changes markedly. The road through a clear cut with many
deciduous trees gives way to deep dark old forest. The new trail gains
elevation at a steady and moderate pace. Gwen did this trail last
January. Another low snow time. When we stopped at the saddle between
East Beckler Peak and Alpine Baldy I pointed out the old cabin just
off the trail. She had not see it last year. Somewhere before the three
mile point we found snow. It was hard but easy enough to walk on.
Intermittent snow slowly became nearly continuous. The last half mile
was mostly on snow. The many boot steps have made it very easy to
follow. Quite a few folks were heading down as we neared the top. At
about 11:00 am we topped out on the summit.
There were plenty of folks already there. Word was out that snow would
not stop anyone from reaching the top. We had put on microspikes near
the top and they were helpful though not essential. On my first few
visits we had almost no views. Finally, I had a trip with views to the
south and northwest. I still had not seen Glacier Peak to the north
yet. Mission accomplished. Glacier and every other peak was in clear
view. There were a few high clouds but the views were outstanding. Soon
after arriving I met Chris. He recognized me on Dirty Face Peak back in
2006. We had a nice conversation. Last year atop Mt. Dickerman we met
again. This was the third time we have met on a mountain top. He stayed
on top nearly as long as us. I also saw Dani on the summit.
We were in no hurry. Over two hours passed before we decided to start
down. At 1:15 pm we packed up and began to descend. It was a little
chilly on top and I warmed up quickly on the descent. We made pretty
good time. The microspikes helped us stay on our feet. We took a short
break at the saddle. On the lower road we did some drainage work as
water was running down the trail. We reached the trailhead at 2:55 pm.
At one point we counted 35 people on the summit. Folks came
and went continuously. I had no idea where they parked. The drive out
explained a lot. Though the road fairly narrow we counted about four
dozen cars outside the parking lot. There were gaps too where folks had
already left. There may have been ninety or more cars in total parked
in the lot and along the road. I never would have believed they could
all fit.
The summit was crowded with winter hikers this day. Lots of people out
enjoying the good weather, lack of snow, and great views. And that is
okay with me. On most of my hikes I do not see many hikers. I expect
crowds on trails like Beckler Peak. It is a very nice addition to the
trail inventory. Well worth the effort for a great new trail and
terrific views.

Early View South

Removed Culvert Spot

Gwen On Road/Trail

Another Culvert Gone

Better Views

Daniel In The Gap

Hair Ice

Snow On Trail

Getting Deeper

Microspikes Time

Mt. Daniel

Almost On Top

Mt. Hinman

Mt. Baring

More Peaks

Glacier Peak

Mt. Daniel Again

Spires Close Up

Sloan Peak

Wild Sky Peaks

West Beckler Peak

Mt Fernow

Daniel & Hinman

Gwen Sawyer At Work
on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
- 2015