was free for a weekend hike. We had not been on a weekend hike since
late September. With the low snow cover we chose a trip east to
Leavenworth for Icicle Ridge. I usually hike it in spring when the
wildflowers are out and the heat has not set in yet. Heat would not be
a problem in February. We met in Bothell at 6:30 am and headed east.
Traffic was extremely light. Compliments of the lack of snow and winter
recreation. We turned right onto Icicle Creek Road and in 1.5 miles
reached the trailhead. Driving up the circular road was a no go. It was
thick solid ice. I parked at the start of the ice. We arrived at about
8:15 am. One truck did manage to park on the ice floe. Crossing the ice
was the crux of this trip. Though hiking guides mention a NW Forest
Pass is needed, it is not. Mine recently ran out and I bought and
printed my own day pass but it was not necessary. No picnic table, no
outhouse, and no parking pass sign. The trail starts as solid ice. We
went across the grass and picked it up shortly. The ice was already
gone. The trail was now bare.
It was cool but there was little wind making the conditions
comfortable. The west side of the Cascades were snow free along Highway
2. Snow began just before Stevens Pass. Once across the pass the snow
continued along the highway nearly to Leavenworth. I did not expect to
see any snow at 1200'. As mentioned, snow ended at the parking lot as
we hiked higher. Looking out to fields below we did see some snow. Two
women passed us heading down. They were the folks whose truck parked on
the ice.
Creeks were running though they were easy to step across. We took a
short break at the ridge top viewpoint. Directly below us was the
Wenatchee River in Tumwater Canyon. I could see the Pipeline Bridge.
Tumwater Mountain was across the valley. We could see the north side of
Icicle Ridge up above us. That side had snow. After a short break and a
number of photos. we headed higher. We began to run into snow patches.
Really more like ice patches. The snow was packed down and frozen
solid. The ice patches were interspersed with bare trail. we did not
bother with traction devices yet.
The grade of the trail is very consistent and not all that steep. We
gained more elevation that it felt like. 1750' up to the ridge and more
as we continued up the ridge. Soon I recognized we were near where
Janet and I turned around on
a trip in late April 2012. That
day the snow was slick and rotten. We were sinking in up to our knees.
This day the snow was rock hard. Slick but no post holing. At about 4
miles we stopped to put on microspikes. Now the trail was mostly hard
ice. With my spikes and Gary's Yaktrax and poles we had plenty of
traction. The switchbacks finally ended and the route began to go
straight up the ridge on continuous snow. By about 4000' there was
little dirt to be seen.
So far we had great views to the east and some good looks to the north.
South we could see the Wedge Mountain area but none of the Stuart
Range. We planned to keep heading higher in hopes of some views to the
south. A flat spot with some bare cut logs looked like a good lunch
spot. We chose to head up one more steep slope. We had been following
frozen steps set on a much warmer day. They continued on after we
turned around. Hoping for a view south we left the tracks on a steep
slope just before heading back into thick forest. We traversed towards
the south side of the ridge. After seeing no signs of flowers Gary
pointed out what looked like fresh pussy willows on a tree surrounded
by snow. Try as we might, we could not find a spot with views to the
south. Just too many trees. At 4700' we turned around.
We quickly dropped down to the flat spot for our lunch. The temperature
was only about 40 degrees but the bright sunshine made it seem warmer.
We had a long lunch. When clouds blocked the sun the temperature
plummeted and we headed on down. In addition to the two women we had
seen just one other runner all day. We made it all the way back to the
ridge top viewpoint before we met more. Some folks had set up two
hammocks and they seemed to be keeping a number of kids entertained. We
headed out to the point for better views of Leavenworth. The downtown
area was right below us. The short detour provided some great views.
After another break at the point it was time for the last few miles.
The consistent grade was easy on our knees. We began to met more and
more hikers, most still coming up. We were back at the trailhead at
3:45 pm. The GPS track shows we traveled about 9.70 miles with 3700' of
elevation gain. Though the parking area was partly under a sheet of ice
there were many cars parked off the dirt road and along the paved road
just below. On the way home we stopped at the 59er
Diner for dinner. It was dark before we reached Bothell. I let home at
6:00 am and returned at 7:15 pm. Just in time to download photos and
get ready for Sunday's hike.
We had a great time. The trail is mostly snow free for about 2.5 miles.
The next 2.5 miles were on dirt and icy snow then just icy snow. It
would have been much harder to continue without traction devices. They
especially helped coming down. Getting this high up the trail in
February is very unusual. We were way too early for the flower show.
but a nice trail, 3700' of gain, and great views were more than good
enough. It was a great winter day for a spring hike.

Icy Parking Lot

Icy Trailhead

Pressed Leaves

Bare Trail

Blue & Green

Framed Peak

Budding Bush

Ridge From Viewpoint

Tumwater Mountain

Snow In Leavenworth

View South

Tumwater Canyon

Not Much Snow

Wenatchee River

Pipeline Bridge

Very Hard Snow

Peaks To The North

Break Time

South View?

Pussy Willows

Puffy Clouds

Zoomed Peaks

Leavenworth Snow

Slick Ice

Viewpoint Below

Leavenworth Is Below

Icicle Ridge

Cloudy Sky
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2015