Beach Vacation
Day 2
were late getting going on Saturday. It was already 8:30 am when we
headed out for breakfast. Both days we ate at Laurie's Homestead
Breakfast House. It was busy when we arrived and there were folks
waiting outside to get in when we left. Lots of food to fuel the day.
We next headed north. The Long Beach Peninsula is some 32 miles long.
It takes some time to drive all the way to the top. Of course, a trip
with Kim will always have a few stops along the way. We first stopped
in Oysterville. A town which harvested a lot of oysters starting some
160 years ago. After the native oysters were harvested to near
extinction a Japanese variety replaced them. A number of buildings from
before the Civil War are still standing. We stopped to see the old
church first. It was been kept up in fine condition. Next came a walk
up the road to see several of the old homes. After that we stopped at
Oysterville Sea Farms. Kim and Jon made purchases in the shop and I
enjoyed the sunshine from the deck. It was still just about freezing.
We planned a little hiking for the trip and our next stop was
Leadbetter State Park at the northern tip of the peninsula. The shady
side of the parking lot was white with frost. Gloves, hat, and heavy
jacket once again. There are two lots and several loop trails. We chose
to hike from the far east side of the peninsula to the beach on the
west side. It would be about 2.8 miles round trip. We hiked about half
way where we met a group heading back out. They ran into deep muck and
decided not to go any farther. After some heavy rain this month we knew
that might be a problem. Rather than fight the mud we turned around
too. Much of the park is a National Wildlife Refuge. There is plenty
more for me to see on a return visit. Back near the start we took the
northern loop and in just a few hundred feet the trail dumped us out on
the beach. The beach is narrow but it provided us with a good view of
Willapa Bay.
Next we drove back south down the peninsula. We decided to head for
Oregon. I have not been to Astoria as an adult though with the family
trips I'm sure I visited as a small child. It was probably before the
bridge across the Columbia was built in 1966. The bridge is just over
four miles long. By the time it reaches the ocean the Columbia River is
huge. We drove into Astoria and started looking for the Column. I had
not heard of it but Kim had visited on an earlier trip. The Column is a
125' tall tower which was one of eleven built between St. Paul, MN and
Astoria.It sits atop a hill right above the city. The view from the
parking lot is impressive and from the top even better.
The Column was built in 1926. The spiral staircase inside the Column
consists of 164 steps. With ascenders passing descenders on the narrow
steps it seems like a lot more. From the top we could see the Columbia
and Astoria below, Mts. Adams and Hood to the east, and more peaks to
the south. It is quite a viewpoint. A stiff breeze made it frigid on
top even with the sunshine. After our visit we headed west through
Warrenton to Fort Stevens State Park. It sits on a peninsula at the
mouth of the Columbia on the south side. There are a number of beaches
with parking along the way. We drove to the end where we found
windsurfers in wetsuits and a few parasailors. The road curves to the
east at the tip and the forested peninsula blocks the setting sun. We
drove back to where we had beach access on the Pacific Ocean side.
The short trail ended with a climb up a grassy dune then a steep drop
down to the beach. We had good views from the top of the dune. There
were only a couple cars in the lot and few folks on the beach. We did
see a number more cars driving along the beach. Heading south we
watched as the low sun dropped to and below the horizon. A second night
of great color. It would have been better if there were a few clouds
but even with the clear sky the colors were good. Unlike in Washington,
the Oregon park stayed open until 10:00 pm. We had lots of time to
watch the sunset after dusk. The day ended with the drive back to Long
Beach for another fish dinner. Locally caught rock cod was excellent.
We had just part of Sunday left before we had to head back to Seattle.
We packed a lot into our one full day on the coast.

Oysterville Map

Oysterville Church

Church Interior

Icy Leadbetter SP Lot

Leadbetter Trails Map

Willapa Bay View

Kim & Jon On Shore

Astoria Column

Ships On Columbia River

Downtown Astoria

Saddle Mountain

Fort Stevens Dunes

Looking Into Sun

Looking North

Ocean & Kim

Lighter Away From Sun

Alone On The Beach

Jonathan On Dune

Colors On Beach

More Waves


Sun Is Low


Imperfect Reflection

South Jetty & Lighthouse

Getting Good

Perfect Sunset


On The Horizon

Going, Going...


Beach Gnome

Frothy Waves

One More Wave Shot

Sand & Mountains
on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
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Beach Report