Beckler Peak
Kim, Gwen, and I
headed up Highway 2 to do a little bushwhacking. We had all done East
Beckler Peak. This time we went to the West Peak. Not bad if you like
walking logging roads. We followed the road to the end and then
continued up on old trail. There are some views on top, similar to
those from the east peak.We went a little farther before turning
around. It was a very nice day with few bugs. No snow left at all. Some
wildflowers were in bloom. I know folks who have done this as a winter
snowshoe trip. The ridge is not too steep. The old lookout is long gone.
It was no surprise that we did not see anyone all day. The east peak
has some parking and a very nice trail. Both have parts on old roads.
It is always fun to hike a new route and this was no exception. We all
managed to draw a little blood. Not unusual for old unmaintained routes.

Queen's Cup

Kim & Gwen

Dual Indian Paintbrush

East Peak Summit Shot

Mts. Daniel & Hinman


Snowy Peaks

Foss River Valley

First View North

Mt. Fernow

Unfurling Ferns

More Mountain Views

Ragged Ridge?



Bearing Tree

Mt. Baring

Cabin Foundation

Gwen On The Summit

Crest Peaks

Lookout Remains


Old Rusty Saw

Glacier Peak

Framed By Snags

Mt. Hinman

Gwen On The Rocks

Old Trail

High Point Of Beckler

No Trail Here

Saddle Below E. Peak

Heading Down

Between Peaks

Daniel & Hinman Again

Lone Paintbrush

Yellow Wildflower


Colorful Wildflowers

Bright Paintbrush

Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Trips - 2015