Si via Old Trail
have been logging my hiking trips
since 1982. The destination, mileage, elevation gain, and partners.
Since long before folks had personal computers. Good old paper and ink.
I started slow with 92 miles the first year. Over time my pace picked
up. After 21+ years I reached 10,000 miles hiked. Now, 12.5 years later
I reached another big round number. This time it was 20,000 miles. I
was at 19,996 after a late afternoon/evening hike on Tiger the night
before. I have not done many hikes this year with over 3000' of
elevation gain so I chose the old trail up Mt. Si for my destination.
It is also much less crowded than the main trail. It was overcast but
with no rain in the forecast. I did not get an especially early start
and arrived at the Little Si Trailhead in North Bend at 8:45 am. Not
that early but not that late either. The main lot was full. The
overflow lot had exactly one space left. Does it always fill up this
early. In years past I hiked Mt. Si most years. Now, it is mostly after
work or via routes other than the main one. One benefit of the lots
being full is that it was very unlikely a stream of folks would pass my
by. Where would they park?
For the last day of winter it was not going to be cold. Chilly at first
but warming up to around 60 degrees later on. I headed up the trail and
chose to take the Boulder Garden Loop up to the Old Si Trail. It's a
little longer but with a much gentler grade. I saw a few folks heading
down then had a great deal of solitude the rest of the way up to the
new trail junction. I must be getting old. After 2800' of gain on Tiger
I was very slow this day. Slow but steady. Lots of see on the Boulder
Garden Loop. Huge boulders, lots of moss, and a fun mix of old roads
and new trail. After meeting the old trail the grade remained moderate
for a bit. Then it changed.
I met a hiker coming down at the first straight uphill short scramble
spot. Quickly the trail settled down to a good steep grade. A little
steeper than the main trail but nowhere near the steepness of the
nearby old route up Mailbox Peak. A good grade to gain elevation fast
if your legs are not already tired. I took one break, other than for
photos, to talk with a guy coming down with what he said was a 130 lb
pack. I guess that's good for training but it's not something I plan to
ever try. One woman zoomed by while we were talking. Those were all the
hikers I saw on the old trail. Not bad at all. I had read a report from
the day before mentioning ice near the top. I was prepared. Just as I
reached the spot that nearly touches the new trail I saw the first snow.
The old trail goes straight up the ridge and the snow/ice soon covered
most of the tread. I started seeing folks heading down here and those
without traction devices were slipping and sliding. I stopped to put on
microspikes. Though there were some bare spots I trudged right up the
ridge with the spikes. No problems at all. At the new/old trail
junction the expected crowds materialized. Lots of folks trying to get
up the packed ice. I had no problems. After the snow started the wind
did too. Not bad in the trees but as I came out of forest it was
blowing pretty hard. I hike much of the way up with shorts and sleeves
rolled up. That changed to zipped on pant legs, long sleeves, and a
jacket the rest of the way.
A lot of folks stopped at the rocks. Mt. Rainier was in the clouds but
nearer peaks were visible. After some photos I took off the spikes and
headed up and over the bare rocks. On the other side it was hard ice
again and the spikes went back on. I always go to the spot that used to
have an end of trail sign on the ridge leading to the Haystack
scramble. I met George there and a "hi" turned into half an hour of
hiking talk. Eventually I headed up to the route to the Teneriffe
Road/Trail for a view of Mt. Teneriffe. I had only gone a short way
when a helicopter buzzed the summit. He came down to within 25-30' of
the summit. That was unexpected. He sat there long enough to take
photos then zoomed away. After the high spot I headed back down to the
viewpoint looking down to North Bend. Here I met George again.
We spent another half hour talking about trails. He was heading back
via the Teneriffe Road. He saw only two hikers on the way up. We both
missed most of the crowds. Though there were quite a few folks near the
top they were spread out and it did not seem as crowded as usual. I
took a far from blistering 2:25 to reach the top. After 1.5 hours on
top I headed down at about 12:50 pm. The once past the rocks the spikes
stayed on until the I passed the last of the icy spots. Then it was
just steep dirt the rest of the way down. This is an interesting trail
to descend with tired legs. Definitely one of my slowest descents of Si
at just over two hours. I reached 20,000 miles at the summit and I was
in no great hurry to be done. The last day of winter and I was soon
back in shorts and short sleeves.
I took the Boulder Garden Loop again. At one monstrously huge rock I
found a group of climbers doing a roped climb. I guess that was true
rock climbing as they were climbing one huge rock. On the loop I met a
number of hikers heading up. After the Little Si junction the crowds
were even thicker. By just before 3:00 pm I was back at my
car. It as a nice warm sunny afternoon. 3,300' higher it was the last
day of winter as I was bundled up on top. A good example of winter
turning to spring. Mt. Si is a bit to busy for more than one or two
visits a year, at least for me. Still, it was a nice steep climb to
my second 10,000 miles and start my third.

First View

Old Road/Trail

Big Boulder

Narrow Green Trail

Snowy Upper Ridge

Mt. Teneriffe View

Mailbox Peak

Bare Rocks

Icy Snow Again

George & Haystack

Helicopter At Summit

Teneriffe Close Up

Almost Sunny

Western Viewpoint

The Haystack

North Bend Below

Looking Southeast

Cloudy Mt. Rainier

Old Si Trail

Steep & Loose

Very Green Trail

Narrow Trail |

Another Big Boulder |

Climbers |

Red Currants |

Yellow Violet |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2016