wanted to get out for another
cross country ski trip. I did a headlamp hike on Thursday evening. Was
I up for a 2000' gain ski trip? Of course! There was very little snow
this week and no record of grooming. Would it be icy or good snow? Only
one way to find out. We met at Eastgate at 7:15 am and headed east. It
was 25 degrees at Snoqualmie Pass. Just after Hyak we had a "rolling
slow down". Three WSDOT trucks set the pace on all three lanes. At
about 20 mph. We had no idea why. We still don't. A few miles later
they suddenly sped up to the speed limit. It added some time to our
drive but not too much. We arrived at the Cabin Creek Sno-Park at about
8:10 am. The lot was a sheet of ice. Walking to the outhouse was a
challenge. At least staying upright was a challenge. Not a good sign
for skiing. We walked across the interchange to the start of the
groomed track.
In the morning the groomer posted that the Kongsberger track had been
groomed and that they would be grooming the Amabilis Road at 7:00 am.
We hoped for the best. The track was freshly groomed and the snow
conditions were excellent. A short ski along the flats and we started
up the Amabilis Road. There were a few tracks since the groomer went
through. Some footprints came and went. Snowshoe tracks came and went.
One skier was ahead of us. Otherwise, the track was perfectly smooth.
Very good timing and great conditions. There was not much new snow but
enough to allow for me to control my speed coming down. At least it
looked that way. We had no idea whether the grooming went up to the
junction or all the way to the ridge top or even farther. The track was
a little slick but we made consistent progress. About 1.5 miles up we
met the grooming machine coming down. It was almost 2.5 hours since the
Internet post suggested they would be grooming the Amabilis Road.
Enough time to go way up the mountain and back down. We reached the
junction at 2.7 miles. The right road was not groomed. The left one
was. We went left.
I have been up Amabilis many times over the past 29 years. I had never
been beyond the junction on groomed road. The way up was still very
smooth. Part way up we found snowshoe tracks coming up and over the
road and up the steep hillside. Rather than walk up the groomed track
some folks went straight up the steep hillside. That must have been a
lot more interesting than walking the road. It also kept the track
smooth for us skiers. Very well done. Soon we met the long slier
heading down. There were now no tracks on the freshly groomed road. It
was 20 degrees at the start but it was much warmer now. Before reaching
the ridge top I checked and the thermometer read 30 degrees. Much
The day was forecast to be mostly sunny. We had only a few small blue
patches. Nearing the ridge top it began to snow. We crested
the ridge and the grooming kept going. While it was cold the wind had
been very light. The ridge can be very windy and cold. The ridge top
road continued to gain elevation at a moderate grade. One spot contours
around a point and is often a hard icy downward slope. Skiing around it
can be a bit nerve wracking. Not this day. The groomed road was nice
and wide and level as it contoured around. We saw some old ski and
snowshoe tracks partly filled in by new snow. The old clear cut with
great views from years ago is now a forest. We finally
reached the end of grooming at 10:30 am. Ahead of us was just
forest. A skate skier caught us right there. We skied up 5.5 miles with
2000' of elevation gain. in 2:10. He did it in just under one hour.
Now came the best part of the trip. Gary headed into the forest. A
little up and a little down but mostly gentle terrain. Even some pink
tape to show the way. In a short distance we came out at another snow
covered road. The road heading downhill leads back to the junction at
2.7 miles. we stayed on the ridge top.There were old tracks mostly
buried with new snow. In places the snow looked to be untouched. Skiing
through heavily flocked trees and snowy meadows is a lot of fun. We
stopped for lunch at about 11:00 am. I was very warm while moving but
cooled down very fast. After lunch we went a little farther along the
ridge before turning around. So far we saw one skier heading down and
another at the end of grooming. Not bad for nearly six miles on a
popular route. Before reaching the groomed route we met several other
The trip down was a blast. I'm not a great skier and I was bit leg
weary from Thursday's hike but the conditions were excellent. Easy
descent along the ridge top. We passed a couple of folks heading up.
From the ridge top to the junction was a blast. Slower than I expected
but just right. The road was still pretty smooth. I stopped once for a
couple photos and it took me 20 minutes to reach the junction. From
there to the bottom that last 2.7 miles took 16 minutes. Gary went down
just a bit faster than me.
We expected a mostly sunny day and questionable snow conditions. We had
thick clouds, a little falling snow, and great snow conditions. Not a
bad trade off at all. During my first decade or two the Amabilis Road
was never groomed. In the last decade it has often been groomed to the
junction. From there we usually did a counterclockwise loop on
ungroomed snow and/or ice. This trip was almost entirely on groomed
track. It was a little less adventure like but but a whole lot easier.
Add in the untracked snow after the grooming and it added up great
conditions. The downhill was a lot of fun too. All in all, a great day
to be out skiing.

Icy Parking Lot

Starting Out

Freshly Groomed

Ascending Amabilis Road

Groomer Goes By

View Across Valley

Upper Road

Gary In Front

On Ridge Top

Gary Off Road

Back On Road

Setting A Track

Flocked Trees

Snowy Meadow

Lunch Time

Falling Snow

More Untouched Snow

Just One Track

Turn Around Spot |

Shades Of White |

Heading Back |

Descending Upper Road |

Lot Nearly Full |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2017