a snowshoe trip the day
before I was looking for an easier snow trip. A trip report said the
trail to Grand Prospect on Rattlesnake Mountain was well enough packed
that snowshoes were not needed. That sounded perfect. That and the lack
of crowds like at Mt. Si, Tiger Mountain, or Rattlesnake Ledges. It was
the first day of daylight saving time and as I see it I arrived at the
trailhead at the moderately early time of 8:25 am. Unfortunately, the
clock read 9:25 am. It seems that I was not the only one struggling
with one less hour of sleep. I was the third car in the lot. Two more
arrived before I started out. The lot has been plowed and most parking
spots are usable. The snow was plowed to the area between the fronts of
cars. This has made the spaces shorter. Enough room to get in and out
but definitely less room between the backs of parked cars.
I was on the trail with microspikes on by 9:35 am. Unlike most of my
trip reports I'm not going to describe the hike. This is the
Rattlesnake Mountain Trail to Grand Prospect. I hike it a number of
times each year. I will give a break down on conditions and show my
The first half mile or so is thin and icy snow. Traction devices are
very helpful. After that the route turns to hard packed snow. Not
really icy at all. I kept me spikes on for the entire trip however most
of it could be down with boots alone. Add in poles and it would even be
easier. Before the junction near Stan's Overlook the snow is getting
deeper. The packed narrow track is solid but off to either side is
softer snow. I stepped off for all but one person and I sank from 3-4
inches up to knee deep. If going at all off the beaten path snowshoes
would be necessary. The sunshine in places really lit up the snow. Most
of the route is in forest but the more open spots felt like spring not
winter. When in the trench I had no problems with post holing. The snow
is very well packed and firm.
I took 1:47 to reach Grand Prospect. That's about 15 minutes longer
than I usually take on dirt. Deduct for a short visit to Stan's
Overlook and many more quick photos and I was just a little slower.
That is a very fast time for me on snow. All said, the conditions right
now are excellent. A new dump of snow may change that but it was almost
ideal on Sunday.

Snowy Parking Lot

Trailhead Sign

Heading Up Trail

Snow Trench

Olympic Mountains

Road Crossing

Mt. Baker From Stan's

Fuller Mountain

Snowy Picnic Table

Trackless Bike Trail

Overhanging Branches

Sun Shining Through

Snowy Bridge

Nice View

Bright Sunshine

Mt. Baker From GP

Grand Prospect

Mt. Teneriffe

Mt. Si

Big Snowy Peak

Me & My Shadow

Warm Sunshine

Snowy Gate

Snowy Arch

Mailbox Peak


Si From Snoqualmie Point

Mt. Si Close Up
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2019