my next to last hike of the year Gary and John joined me for a snowshoe
trip to Kendall Lakes. The weather forecast for new Year's Eve was so
awful that I suggested that rather than having them again accompany me
on my NYE Tiger Mountain hike. We met at High Point at 7:15 am and I
drove us east. Over Snoqualmie Pass and off at the Hyak Exit. We were
the first car to arrive. The flat section at the beginning was quite
icy. We managed that and the traction improved as we started up the
road/trail. A trip report from three days earlier mentioned that the
track was well packed down and snowshoes were not necessary. We brought
both snowshoes and microspikes. There is not much snow for this time of
year. Only 23" at Snoqualmie Pass. We were about 400' lower at the
start. There was enough snow to cover everything. The trees were also
completely snow plastered. There was not a lot of snow but it did look
like winter. This day was supposed to be overcast but dry. That proved
to be try.
A favorite hike is to the Kendall Katwalk on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Kendall Peak Lakes are on other side of the peak. This trip will
forever be remembered as the "Kendall Crapwalk". We saw 13 piles of dog
crap along the route. Come on people, pick up after your pooch. By far
the most I have ever seen on any hike anywhere. I thought leaving the
bags of crap along the trail was bad. This was worse. Now that I have
that out of the way I'll get back to the trip. The grade is pretty
gentle and though it had not snowed in 4-5 days the snow was very good.
It had remained cold enough that the snow was snow and not frozen and
thawed and refrozen ice. We never did use our microspikes.
The heavily flocked trees were plenty scenic. At the spots where you
can usually see out to the ski areas we saw only gray clouds. The views
are the snowy trees around us not the farther scenes. The road turns to
the right and heads away from the highway. Across the valley we could
just make out the old clear cut point that is now tree covered again.
The PCT is just below the other side of the point and ridge. We
continued on to the old "T" junction. Right is the road route to the
viewpoint and the lakes. Left is the old road. A few years ago the
bridge here was removed. That is the route the Gary has taken mostly on
skis and recently on snowshoes. Why take a packed trench when you can
break trail in fresh snow? It's a lot more work but it does provide an
real winter experience. We headed left.
There is not a lot of snow even at this elevation. We worked our way
down to the creek and rock hopped across. I went first. Climbing up the
other side was not too hard. The road starts out very brushy. That
meant snow over brush and lots of voids to fall into. We immediately
put on our snowshoes. I was first done and made the mistake of leading
the way. I fell through below my knees a number of times in the soft
snow. Way more workout than I wanted. I had hiked the day
before and this amount of work was not appreciated. When we were ready
to leave the old road Gary took over the lead.
The route up to the lower lake used to be much more open. Now the trees
are growing back. Add in the low snow pack and we were
careful to avoid creek crossings and dead ends where our route could
run into a wall of closely packed trees. It all went well. Gary had
this section memorized well enough. We reached a meadow and the going
was better from there to the lower and middle lake. We passed by the
end of the first lake and it became a bit steeper up to the middle
lake. We arrived at the middle lake at 10:51 am. We still had
not seen a single person. The lake is snow covered but it does not look
to be very thick. Low clouds made it hard to see up to where the upper
lake is located. We had a good lunch break. Just us and a bunch of camp
robber jays. We spent 35 minutes at the lake, getting going at 11:26
am. We had a short snowfall turned snow rain mix that only lasted a few
minutes. That was it for precipitation this day.
It is much steeper dropping down to the lower lake. We had decent grip
with our snowshoes. I did manage to tweak by knee. It hurt a bit but
once we were back on packed trail I had no trouble hiking out.
The creeks near the lower lake were not snow covered so we
had to find narrow spots to jump across several of them. Once across we
picked up the end of the packed trail. It led through some trees and
back to the road. We had easy sailing the rest of the way back. We
followed the road down to the low point where it splits. right goes
back to the "T" junction where we left the road earlier. Left goes out
to the viewpoint. We went left. I believe the viewpoint is known as
Kendall Knob. We passed a group also heading for the Knob. When we
arrived we had just the view we expected. Clouds in every direction. No
views at all. That's okay.
Our stay was short. We left ahead of the other group. Back to the
junction an then down the road to the "T". Arriving there we
med two women without snowshoes. No problem on this day. They saw our
earlier tracks dropping o the creek. We suggested it wass not a route
to try without snowshoes. They had already come to that conclusion. We
took off our snowshoes. Though it had warmed up to just above freezing
the packed track was still firm enough for just boots. On the way down
we passed a number of groups mostly heading up. This was by far the
fewest people I have seen on this route in many years. It was a weekday
but Boeing and many other businesses are closed down. I expected to see
more folks. The lack of crowds was fine with us.
We reached the sno-park at 1:56 pm. Still early afternoon.
Plenty of time to get home before dark. For the day he hiked 9.3 miles
with 2100' of elevation gain. We only used snowshoes for 2.6 miles.
That is the first winter trip here where I booted in on snow for most
of the trip. The weather was cloudy all day but we had almost no
precipitation. The snow was well below normal but was not at all icy.
The seemingly unending piles of dog poo were the worst part of the
trip. All in all, a great start to snowshoeing season and a great next
to last hike of the year.

Getting Started

A Little Brushy

John & Gary


Ice Spikes

Packed Trench

Misty Point On Ridge

A Little Brush

Bent Over Tree

Nice Snow

At The Junction

Crossing Creek

Snowshoes Go On

On Closed Road

Best Example

Easy Snowshoeing

John On Route

Looking Up

Bare Ground

Lower Lake

Camp Robber Jay

Guys At The Upper Lake

Upper Kendall Lake

Dropping To Lower Lake


At Lower Lake

Heading On

Through The Trees

On The Road Again

Flocked Tree

Kendall Knob Views

Snowy Brush

Snowshoes Off |

Snowman |

Winter Scene |

Oh, Crap! |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2019