Way Trail
trailheads near Seattle have
been closed for several weeks. Lowland snow filled up the parking lots.
The trailheads for Little Si and Snoqualmie Point on Rattlesnake did
open late this week. I could find no information on Squak Mountain
Trailheads. On my way home from Saturday's hike on Grand Ridge I
detoured around Squak and found the state park trailhead at the south
end was open. It had been plowed and the snow was piled up on the
edges. Margaret's Way trailhead was also plowed. There was a ten foot
tall pile of snow off to the side. Tiger Mountain has been very crowded
as most of those trailheads are open. I decided to head up Margaret's
Way Trail. The lot is not that big. It would not be as crowded as Tiger
Mountain. Sunday morning I left I-90 at Highway 900 and drove 3.2 miles
to the Margaret's Way parking lot. There were 4 or 5 cars in the lot
when I arrived at 8:10 am. By 8:18 am I was packed up and on my way.
Snow started almost immediately. Just an inch or so on the road. I
quickly left the road and headed up the trail. It was partly bare and
partly slick slushy snow. Up to the road and it too was mostly snowy
but with some bare spots. The route goes through the old campgrounds.
The trail leaves the road with a switchback. There is a tree down near
the sign. It did not block the sign but I went around the tree on the
right and the sign is on the left. The road kept going. Soon it did not
seem quite right. I have only done this trail three times previously
and never on snow. Still it did not seem right. I checked my gps and it
showed the trail about 100' right above me. Oops! At that point a spur
road went steeply uphill. I hoped it would go up to the trail without
any bushwhacking. To my surprise it did.
I intersected another road that is the trail at that point. A short way
farther the route goes off on trail with a well marked sign. The snow
was still thin and slick but with poles I was fine. The grade is never
very steep on this trail so I would likely have been fine without poles
along here. At a switchback there is a viewpoint. There was little blue
sky. No long views but pretty good shorter ones. The trail continues up
and when I came to a sign for another viewpoint I took that trail.
About one tenth of a mile along I reached the viewpoint. Better views
than the first one. When I backtracked to the main trail I saw three
folks who had passed me. They were hiking my speed so I stayed a ways
behind them. The recent storms have knocked a lot of big branches down.
I did my best to pull as many as possible off the trail. By the end of
the day I removed about a dozen big branches and small logs. The
longest were about 15'.
I caught up with the other group when they reached a spot where a tree
was down. I saw the trail going straight and pushed branches aside to
get through. The other group soon followed and I could see or hear them
much of the way up to the top of Margaret's Way Trail. All the recent
snow had flocked the trees and the higher I went the better they
looked. In the forest the snow was never very deep. Well up the
switchbacks I met two women coming down. Those five people seen were
the only ones I saw for the first 5.5 miles. Solitude in
Issaquah. The last .75 miles to the top was on hard packed snow. It was
slick. I did okay with poles but knew I'd use microspikes coming down.
I reached the top of the trail at the Chybinski Loop Trail. I arrived
at about 10:00 am. I went right to the junction with the Perimeter
Trail and the West Peak Trail. The Perimeter goes to Debby's View and
had a nice trench in place. I took the West Peak Trail. It had two sets
of post holing boot prints. The steps were about four sizes smaller
than my boot size. They were also very crusty. I had a heck of a time
stepping in them.
Whoever made them knew where the real trail was. The snow depth hid it
otherwise. I very slowly crunched my way uphill. It is 230' of
elevation gain to the top of West Peak. It took a while. I topped out
then dropped a bit and climbed to the next bump. From there the route
drops steeply and climbs steeply to the final bump. it then drops down
to another junction. The main trail from the state park lot comes up
here. Fifty feet to the left is the road that leads up to the Bullitt
Fireplace. That was my next goal. It is not far away and I soon reached
the fireplace. The picnic table there was three quarters buried with
snow. The snow was deeper but I had a trench to walk in. I heard but
did not see two hikers as I left. I headed on towards Central Peak.
There was fresh snow in the trench but no footprints. I was the first
here since the new snow.
A few steps headed off on the ridge top short cut to Central Peak.
After the crappy frozen steps over West Peak I chose the longer route
in the packed trench. I quickly came to a snowy tree across the trail.
No way to get over it and I would have to crawl under it.
There was room to climb up to the right and get around. I kept dropping
to the junction with the trail down to the north trailhead. I turned
right and began the climb to Central Peak. The trees were really
plastered along here. I stopped for many photos. Up by the peak there
is a metal gate to go through at the start of this trail. It was mostly
buried. At Central peak I took a short break. It was 11:09 am. The gap
in the trees provided a nice view of downtown Seattle. Still pretty
clear out.
I quickly headed down then back up to the Bullitt Fireplace. Down again
to the junction with the trail down to the state park and the one over
West Peak. On my first three visits I dropped down the south side to
the Perimeter Trail and followed that around West Peak to Debby's View.
With trails closed recently I did not know if the Perimeter Trail would
be packed down. Instead of that plan I chose to drop down the road from
the fireplace and then climb back up the Chybinski Loop Trail to the
junction I reached before climbing over West Peak. From there is is not
far to Debby's View on the end of the Perimeter Trail. That part to
Debby's View would be packed down. The route went fine. A steep drop
and a steep climb. The Chybinski Trail was packed down and easy
walking. I was soon at Debby's View.
On my three previous visits I had minimal views from Debby's View. I
have seen photos of Mt. Rainier from there but never seen it. This day
was similar. Maybe even worse. As I arrived it began to snow. Much
poorer views than from the lower viewpoint earlier. Oh well, I'll just
have to come back again. Two hikers did arrive while I was at the
viewpoint. Only the third group I had seen all day. I arrived at 12:03
pm. I saw those three parties over 3:45. Not exactly crowded for a hike
that is right by Issaquah. Heading back I started to see other folks.
Two parties on the way back to Margaret's Way Trail. Half a dozen other
groups on the rest of the way down. I put on microspikes for the
descent. I had great traction on the hard snow. I was half way down
when the bare patches were long enough for me to take off the spikes.
I made one last detour to the lower viewpoint. Poorer views now and
some snowfall but the clouds looked interesting. I made it back to the
trailhead at 2:03 pm. Still pretty early in the day. I did see where I
went wrong on the way up. I should have left the road on a trail
section but went straight ahead on the road. A tree fell part way
across the road. I went around it on the right. The trail sign was
visible but I missed it going around the tree. The trail was definitely
barer down low. Boots and above freezing temperatures did some melting.
I had a great time. Some views early in the day. Not many other folks
for most of the day. The snow plastered trees were very scenic. I
enjoyed the falling snow too. It was cool but not especially cold. The
crusty frozen boot path over West Peak was the least enjoyable part but
it was not that long. Soon the other close in trailheads should be
reopened. It is very unusual for snow to hang around for over a week
near sea level along Puget Sound. It has made it easy to get in snow
hikes. In a few months the wildflowers will be out and I may return on
a sunny day to finally see Debby's View.

Snow At Trailhead

Bare & Snowy

First Viewpoint

Narrow Trail

Middle Viewpoint

Blue Sky

More Snow Now

Smooth Trail

Crusty Post Holed Steps

West Peak

Steep Climb

Trail Sign

Road To Fireplace

Snowy Fireplace

Fresh Snow On Trail

Plastered Trees

Snow Weighted Trees

Junction Near Peak

Central Peak Towers

Snowy Gate

Downtown Seattle

Starting Down

One Side Plastered

Limbo Or Hurdle?

Packed Trench

Scenic Forest

Rounding West Peak

Debby's View Bench

What View?

Falling Snow

Log Trail Border

Back To Bare Trail

From White To Green

Nice Color

Turkey Tail Fungus

Tree Across Trail

More Moss

Back At Viewpoint

Bare Trail

Really Nice

Hanging Ferns

Snowy Road
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2019