Saturday I did an 11 mile hike with 4200' of gain to Thompson Lake. I
wanted an easier hike for Sunday. Kim was free and wanted to get out.
She had been hiking on Friday and wanted to get out again. We decided
on a trip to the old mining town of Monte Cristo. Neither of us had
been there since it was closed for several years while a major clean up
was undertaken. Lots of arsenic and sulfur was moved out of the site
and buried. It had been leaching into the creeks for a century. We were
curious how much had been changed during the clean up. I don't visit
Monte Cristo so much as hike through on my way to Glacier Basin or
Silver Lake, or Twin Lakes. Over the years I had been all though the
old town. Not many of the original buildings are still standing. When I
was young you could drive there. The road has been closed to visitors
for most of my life since floods washed out part of the route. It was
rebuilt for inholders to reach their cabins but never reopened to the
general public. When the lodge burned down interest waned among non
We met at 6:45 am and headed north. The hike to Gothic Basin off the
same trailhead has become very popular in the age of Instagram. We were
concerned with being early enough to find a parking spot at Barlow
Pass. Traffic was light an we arrived at the 2361' pass at 8:10 am. The
parking spots were all taken and most of the spots along the side of
the road too. We were able to find a spot off the road. Later in the
morning folks would be parking will over the fog line. Several other
groups were getting ready to go. At 8:17 we were on our way. 16 years
ago the route to the townsite was just a nice wide road and two bridges
over the SF Sauk River. Four miles with a gentle drop to the river in
just under one mile then three plus miles of mostly flat road to Monte
Cristo. There are two short hills on the route. The floods of 2006 and
2006 affected the route. A big slide before the bridge took out the
road. A trail was built around it. One of the bridges was stranded as
the river took out the approach. What used to be forest is now a river
To facilitate the clean up an old road was rebuilt and
reopened. It meets the main road at just about the 2 mile marker. We
did in fact see a small truck at Monte Cristo. The main road will never
be reopened. A big log crosses the river and has been in use by hikers
and bikers for quite some time. I had been across it several times. A
short way down the trail was a board with a sign telling hikers to use
the new start to the Gothic Basin Trail. I had not heard about it. The
old trail started at the river crossing. Now it starts well before that
heading above the old road. We lost most of the crowds when we passed
that point. After the big floods the road was washed out in one spot
but continued most of the way to the river crossing. Not any more. Now
more of the road has fallen into the river and newer trails lead to the
crossing. I had not been to Monte Cristo since 2012 so I'm not sure
what has changed since then.
We reached the big log to find that there was no river. Just a big
puddle under the start of the log. It was dry. I have not seen that
before. After the log we went over to the second bridge that did have
the river under it. It was running very low. Once back on the road we
found the road to be a river bed. The next quarter mile was just a deep
cut with small and medium sized rocks covering the entire road bed. A
flood had come all the way in to the road and torn it apart. I could
not have ridden a bike here though some folks surely do. At the Weden
House sign the road was still a mess. A little way beyond it returns to
a gravel road. Even here it is much different than in 2012. It is
narrowing to a wide trail instead of a wide road. I was amazed how much
it has changed in seven years.
We continued on to the meeting with the new/old road at the 2 mile
mark. Somewhere around 3 miles we saw cut in the hillside above the
road. It had grass and brush along with cut logs placed across it. We
theorized it was where they dug dirt to cover the polluted soil. A
little farther we found a larger cleared hillside. It seems that they
placed the bad soil here. A sign mentioned that it was placed so it
would not destroy an old historic switchback in the railroad grade. The
road mostly follows the old railroad grade. Those two hills I mentioned
earlier were too steep for trails so they put in switchbacks to allow
the trains to climb the grade. Kim had seen a bit of the old grade
years earlier. We did a little exploring and found the old grade. A
short way along the grade is a big washout. We climbed down and back up
again and found the grade on the other side. We also found what looked
like part of the old trestle. Old rotted wood was held together with
long bolts. A neat find. At the top of the hill on the road the grade
meets it again.
The last mile went by fast and we arrived at Monte Cristo. Years back
there was a big automobile bridge into town. Now there is a narrower
bridge for hikers and bikers. We arrived at Monte Cristo at 11:52. My
best time hiking the four miles to Monte Cristo is one hour exactly.
This day we arrived in 3:35. Easily my slowest time ever. It was also
by far the most interesting hike I have done to Monte Cristo. We had
lunch and started exploring. There were a number of folks at the
townsite. We headed up Dumas Street. No changes took place here. In
fact, most of the townsite looked just as it used to. The biggest
problem was the old concentrator building. Ore from the mines went
there and it was broken down and much of the rock was left as purer ore
was left to be transported to Everett for more processing. A lot of
those tailings contained arsenic and sulfur. The concentrator location
was all cleaned up. What is left is rock parts of the
foundation that used to be buried under the collapsed building. All the
wood was removed too. The Monte Cristo Preservation Association has put
up a number of signs that tell the history and explain what has been
done. Very educational.
We found an old sign for the start of the Glacier Basin Trail. This
must have been the end of the Mine To Market Road. We followed it a bit
then lost it and just went uphill to the road leading to the Glacier
Basin Trailhead. More clean up work was down along here. There are more
signs explaining it. Overhead ore buckets went up to mines above and in
Glacier Basin. The bases of these trams were along this road. A covered
grade used horses to pull ore carts along tracks to the concentrator. A
bit of the old grade is clearly visible along with one piece of the
track. Neat history. We walked around more of the townsite but did not
find more cleaned up areas. We went back down to the lower town to
finish our food and get set for the hike back.
We started back at 3:30 pm. Kim was interested in the campgrounds so we
took a quick look at it. The hike out had a lot less stops than coming
in. We set a steady pace. We saw only two hikers going out, a couple
still hiking in, and a few bikers coming out. Back at the new start of
the Gothic Basin Trail we met a big group coming out. We reached the
car at 5:47 pm. 2:27 minutes from the middle of the townsite was a more
reasonable time. This turned out to be much more interesting than I
expected. We found a railroad grade that I did not know existed and the
remains of a trestle too. We saw where the bad soil and rock was
buried. We saw a cleaned up concentrator foundation. We found the old
start of the Glacier Basin Trail. We found out about the covered rails
that brought the ore to the concentrator. I was knowledgeable about the
general history of Monte Cristo but I learned more on this trip. We
hiked about 9 miles on the day with about 1000' of elevation gain. A
fun day was had by both of us.

Busy Parking Area

Wide Old Grade


Where Is The River?

White Foxglove

Road Washed Out

Old Railroad Rails

First Cleanup Site

Groundwater Wells

The Repository

Railroad Grade

Trestle Hardware

River From Bridge

Monte Cristo Signs


Restored Cabins

Shadows On Shrooms

Dumas Street

Riddle House

New Signs

Tiny Mushroom

Guides Cabin

Mercantile Store Site

Concentrator Photo

Concentrator Info

Before Cleanup


Fall Color

Moving The Ore

Strange Fungus


Ridge & Sky

Ore Terminals

Tramway Remains

More Fungus

Back In Town

Big Mushroom

Snow Up High

Road Is Gone

Across The Non River


Lit Up Leaves
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2019