for my second snowshoe trip in two weeks. Avalanche danger was elevated
so we were looking for a safe place to go. First, Janet was interested.
Gary and John were too. Steve wanted to come with Janet. We settled on
a very safe trip to Nordic Pass. Gary was one of the people responsible
for the existence of the trail. I have joined several trips to replace
the blue diamonds that show the route. We met at 8:00 am. While we were
packing up David Baxter passed by. He brought new skis and snowshoes.
He was not sure of which trip he would do but decided to join us. Our
group grew to six people. We got started at 8:16 am. We headed up the
road through the houses. It was a little slick but more slush than ice.
No traction devices needed. At the switchback in the road we climbed up
onto the snow. Instead of the usual wall of packed snow we
had a couple steps up. Definitely not a lot of snow for mid January.
Snoqualmie Pass at 3000' reported only 57". We had a little less.
The first and sometimes biggest problem is getting across the creek
right at the start of the trail.
There is a log across that was covered with icy snow. The water level
was also pretty low. I went first and crossed the log then cut steps in
the snow up the other side. Gary chose to cross on rocks and in low
water. Everyone made it across one way or the other. We immediately put
on snowshoes. I was a bit surprised to find snow not crusty ice. There
were two trenches in the snow. The right route went through some brush
that was not completely snow covered. That is the correct blue diamond
route. We chose to take the left route that climbed right up to the old
railroad grade. That is the original grade that went over the pass
before the tunnel was built.
We turned right continuing in the previously packed down trench. We
passed the spot where the real Nordic Pass Trail reaches the railroad
grade and continued ahead. The left turn off the grade is marked with a
blue diamond at the end of a horizontal pole pointing to the left.
Whoever put in the track did a good job of following the route. In a
few places the snow was not deep enough to cover logs or wet ground.
The track went off the diamonds a little to get around and then picked
up the route once again. David chose to pack his skis and use his
snowshoes. The skis sticking up overhead did not get stuck under
branches. He did just fine. The route crosses ski track
between Hyak and Summit Central and continues climbing. Gary pointed
out the biggest tree we would see all day. It's right along the route.
There were several packed routes in places and they seemed to meet up
again each time. There is another snowshoe route between the Nordic
Pass Trail and Hyak Creek. In a few places they almost touch. That
leads to the other route taking over a bit of our route. We reached the
big downhill skier crossover route to find nobody on it. It
usually has a steady crowd of skiers. The trench on the uphill side did
not follow the blue diamonds at first. Our route was a bit shorter and
steeper. Soon we picked up the diamonds once again. We took a break
when we reached the big meadow. So far we had had no wind. At our break
it remained calm. Though it was right around freezing it did not feel
very cold without any wind. While we ate and drank two snowshoers
passed us coming down. We did not see many folks this day.
A few minutes beyond the meadow we reached Hyak Lake. After a few
photos we headed on. David tried skiing here but the snow was a bit to
crusty and he switched back to snowshoes. The route climbs to cross a
cross country groomed sky track and then reaches the hardest part to
follow. We followed diamonds through smaller trees and reached the main
power lines. These are big metal pylons. We headed uphill a short way
to the next pylon and turned left along the side of a groomed cross
country ski track. A diamond led us off to the right for a short
section in trees before reaching a groomed xc track again. We crossed
this one and picked up the diamonds once again. Now we were done with
all roads up to Nordic Pass. Just a forest walk.
We reached Nordic Pass at 11:23 am. A little less than 4 miles in 3:07
is not very fast but snowshoeing is often not very fast. It was still
fun. I don't recall ever being at Nordic Pass with zero wind. Again,
with just a rain jacket I was warm enough. All the way up the diamonds
were far over our heads due to the low snow pack. The Nordic Pass sign
was way up the tree but not as far as the diamonds at low elevations.
One diamond was at least 12 feet over Gary's head. We try to put up
more diamonds during deep snow pack years so they will not be too low
during those years. This year the problem is looking high enough and
not missing them. Perhaps we will get a lot more snow this winter. I
hope so. After our lunch break we headed a little farther. The diamonds
lead down to Windy Pass. David had decided to snowshoe down to Windy
Pass and then ski out on the groomed road/trail.
Just beyond the pass the snow became much more crusty. We passed the
weather station and went to the edge of where the slope steepens
significantly down to Windy Pass. David headed down and we headed back
up to Nordic Pass. David had a longer route back but on skis he beat us
by quite a bit. We met another couple of snowshoers at Nordic Pass.
They headed down before us. The trench was now very well packed and the
route back was much easier. We left Nordic Pass at 12:26 pm. There were
a few ups and downs going down but it was pretty easy walking. We
caught up and passed the couple ahead of us at the first xc groomed ski
tracks. We did not see many folks on the way down. We took a short
break at Hyak Lake and otherwise just kept moving. We arrived back at
the cars at 2:35 pm. We took only 2:09 to come down.
This is a fun snowshoe trip. Between crossing downhill and cross
country ski runs there is a lot of solitude. We saw only a few other
people all day. There is no great views so this is not a highly popular
route but the forest is well worth the effort. There is some route
finding after a snowfall but this day we had a track all the way to
Nordic Pass. As mentioned at the start the route is never steep and is
in forest so there is very little chance of an avalanche. It is a
pretty safe place to be when avalanche danger is high. With our early
start we were done early. Unlike the week before with a long drive to
near Blewett Pass we were home well before dark. I was surprised to see
that I had only done this trip once since 2012. This day a good time
was had by all.
My 2006 trip
report gives directions to find
the start of the trail.

Heading Up The Road

Leaving The Road

Crossing The Creek

On The Route

Bare Spot

Tree Hugger Janet

Intermountain 90

Big Meadow

Break Time

Hyak Lake

Trees & White Sky

Snow Monster

Steve On Route

Way Up There

Gary & John

Snowy Stump

John Is Ahead

Group Ascending

Nordic Pass

David Departs

Low Diamond

Group & Weather Station

Open Meadow

More Flocked Trees

John Sluder

Out Of Forest

Groomed Track

Under Power Lines

Buried Log

Steve & Janet

Snow Cap

Cone Or Hat?

John On RR Grade |

Descending Road |

Hyak Lake Panorama |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2019