1-2 Loop
am not a fan of starting hikes during the heat of the day on a nearly
80 degree day. That said, it was a sunny Friday before a very we and
stormy weekend. After work I headed east to Tiger Mountain. When the
DNR ended the restriction on hiking their lands the trailheads
were mobbed with cars. It has eased off a bit now. I found only 8 cars
near the start of the trail. For the entire hike I passed only 9
Not bad for a sunny Friday late afternoon. I left my car at 2:48 pm.
The road walk was very hot. Once in forest it was hot but much better.
I reached the Tiger Mountain Trail (TMT) and it began to cool a bit. I
was slower than normal but kept up a steady pace. I left the TMT with a
left turn over to the Preston Trail. I was surprised to find a number
of wild ginger plants along here most have not yet bloomed though I
a few that were in full bloom.
the top of the Preston Trail I headed off trail up to the tower
complex above. Now out of the forest I could see that more clouds had
come in. I passed a patch of blooming lupine here. The road walk to the
real summit is out in the open. The clouds made it much more pleasant.
There was a bit of a cool breeze that helped too. I stopped before
going back into the forest. Views of the Cascade Crest here. Clouds
made for poor contrast but I could pick out Glacier Peak. I had one
peek-a-boo view of Mt. Rainier. Time for some food and water while in
the open.
that I went into forest up to the summit. I headed down tot he
Bypass Trail over to the Hiker's Hut view point. So far I had seen only
four people. One other hiker was at the viewpoint. Mt. Rainier was in
the clear. After a few photos I headed down the steep road. On the way
to Tiger 2 I passed one more hiker At the top of Tiger 2 I saw another
hiker. All the way down I saw only one more group. this being the only
on solo folks seen all day. I reached my car at 7:02 pm. Including
stops I took 4:14 to hike 8 miles with 2800' of elevation gain. In
these pandemic days it is nice to only see a handful of other folks.
There were 8 cars when I came down. The same number as when I started
out. Saturday had the forecast thunder and lightening. I was glad to
get my mileage in on a dry if a bit warm day.


Sword Ferns Everywhere

Spring Beauty

Wild Ginger

Bleeding Hearts

Tiger 1 Towers


Partial Mt. Rainier

View East

Tiger 2 & Seattle

Lake Below

Mt. Teneriffe

Three Fingers?

Mt. Rainier & Bird

Tiger 2 Summit |

Yellow Violet |

TMT Bridge |

Mushroom |

False Solomon's Seal |

Big Trillium |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2020