Day 2
Day 2
It was a long cold
night. We had decided to get up at 7:00
am. Early enough for good morning light but late enough to hopefully
get a little warmth started. That meant 11 hours in a sleeping bag in a
small one-person tent. When nature called at 4:30 am it was very cold
outside. My fly had frost inside the vestibule. By 7:00 am is was
getting light and we were both ready to get up. Gary's tarptent and
bivy combo did okay too. As we prepared breakfast Gary showed me a
photo of his thermometer. It showed 24 degrees. I asked him to check it
now. How about 18 degrees? His photo seen on a big computer monitor
showed it was actually 17 degrees. Right about the coldest I have been
in the morning on a hike. It was 11 degrees colder than the spot
forecast. We were anxious to get moving.
At 7:57 am we were packed and ready to head out. The larch
in the basin were duller without direct sunshine but the colors were
still pretty good. The trail was once again white with frost. We had
decided to head back up to the ridge top below Carne Mountain and then
head down to the Rock Creek Trail and beyond. We hoped to go about 3
miles from camp to another grove of larch trees we had seen before
hiking the Carne High Route. As we rose out of the basin it became
warmer. By the time we reached the ridge top it was 26 degrees. It was
also in the sunshine. With no wind, it was so much nicer than back
during breakfast. The views east were spectacular. Peaks of the Entiat
Mountains and larch trees everywhere. The trail drops down from the
ridge and most every step had sunlit larch. It might have been the best
lighting for larch on the whole trip.
The great conditions meant a lot of photos. That meant a
pace. And that was a good thing. We came here to see larch at their
peak not just to get in hiking miles. As we dropped below the ridge we
saw a lone tent up a short side trail. A great spot for the morning
sunshine. We did not see the person with the tent. Eventually, we hiked
down then up to the next saddle in a different ridge dropping from
Carne Mountain. On the backside of that ridge, we were out of the
sunshine. It was colder and there were no more sunlit larch trees. We
continued along for a while and then stopped to reconsider. We could
continue another mile to the start of the larch trees and then climb
higher through them or turn around now. Going on would give us some
neat larch but going back did too. Also, we began to calculate how much
later we would get back to camp. We still had a steep trail down and a
long drive back to Seattle. Heading back to enjoy the currently lit up
larch and then the trees in the basin as the sun reached them a little
later won out.
We slowly retraced our steps over the ridge and back into the
sunshine. The sun was a bit higher now and the lighting a little
different. Views and photos were a bit different. It was an incredible
larch display and there were no other people in sight. That would not
be the case without the very cold evening we just had. We had plenty of
time to just enjoy the day. Back at the ridge top, we took a long break
while we were still in the sunshine. Some fast day hikers were already
appearing. It was 12:00 pm when we arrived back in camp. Our four hour
jaunt had provided some great morning lighting for viewing the golden
larch. As we neared camp I was recognized for the second time in two
days. Also, about the second time in several years. It was Suzanne
Rowen. We
had hiked together in a group and run into each other before on the
trail. Always nice to meet someone unexpectedly.
We had plenty of time left so we sat in camp and enjoyed the
views. Gary counted the folks coming up the trail into the basin. The
count steadily grew. This is nowhere near as crowded as some larch
hikes that are more accessible. Still, this was a Friday not a weekend.
Larch season is short so I could see folks, like me, who took a day off
work. The expected morning overcast never occurred. It was sunny for
the second day in a row despite the forecast. At least the one when we
left Internet access. There is no signal up the Chiwawa River. It also
meant we had another day of ideal larch conditions. It was fun to see
folks limp into the basin after the steep trail up and gasp when they
saw the colors.
We finally packed up our gear and again sat down for one last
look at things. We figured most day hikers were probably already in the
basin so the trail would be less crowded. We headed down at about 1:20
pm. We met several groups coming up near the top. Farther down we saw
fewer. Gary kept up his count. We saw more backpackers than I expected.
I hope they were prepared for sub 20 degree temperatures. Some clouds
began to come in too. Near the bottom, a few young day hikers did pass
us. Several more passed by as we neared the parking lot. I was happy to
be down. One thousand feet elevation loss per mile is a bit of a knee
cruncher with an overnight pack. We took one break in the middle and
reached the parking lot at 3:21 pm. The lot was now full and we saw
cars parked along the road for .20 miles. I believe Gary's last count
was 56 day hikers and 11 backpackers. A big crowd for this trail but a
fraction of those hiking Maple Pass, Ingalls Lake, and other larch
Heading down the road, we found that the brush and close
had been cut. Some were still laying on the road. The noise did not
return even when we turned on the interior fan. Checking at home I'm
pretty sure it is the blower motor. A cheap fix, not a major engine
problem. A stop at the 59er Diner for dinner and we were heading for
home. We did not make it home before dark but I arrived home a little
after 7:00 pm.
I don't often take off two days during the workweek but this
was well worth it. The sky was much clearer than forecast. That meant
the larch were continuously lit up when the sun was high enough to
reach them. It also meant an even colder night. We were prepared though
we did not expect anything close to 17 degrees. Camping in the basin
meant only two other backpackers were around in the morning and
evening. They did not seem to get beyond the basin floor. Our trip up
the first summit was a first for both of us. I hope to get in one good
larch trip each fall and this one really delivered.

17 Degree Morning

Gary In Camp

Frosty Start

Unlit Larch

Upper Meadow

Larch Alley

Sunshine On Ridge

Sunny On Ridge Top

Looking Down

Lookout Site

Heading On

Great Morning Light

Big Bright Larch

Wow Colors

Peaking Colors

Western Anemones

Gary & Larch

Gold On Blue

At Saddle

Maude & Larch II

Glacier Appears

Turnaround Time

Rocks & Larch

Frosty White

Back In The Saddle

Rock Creek Valley

Rock Creek Trail

Nice Section

Uphill Time

More Anemones

Meadow Below

Larchy Ridges

Yesterday's Summit

Clark Mt. Again

Great Colors!

Buck Over Basin

Zoom Of Basin

Slow Hiking

Framed Buck Again

Basin View

Another Look |

Larch Needles |

Last Basin View |

Crowded Parking Lot |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
Day 1
Mountain Report
- 2021