& Cedar Lakes
and John were free for a
weekend hike. At first we were set for a hike up Ignoble Knob off
Highway 410. It became apparent that the unseasonably hot weather had a
avalanche warnings set for all aspects of all mountains. We decided to
look for a hike below snow level. With temperatures set to reach at or
near 80 degrees both days and the mountains dangerous lower elevation
trails were sure to be mobbed. Gary came up with a trip to a corner of
Chuckanut Mountain he had not yet hiked. I had done a trip to Pine and
Cedar Lakes but not to the Raptor Ridge or Madrone Crest. John had not
hiked these trails either. Having only seen the lakes in January of
2016 it would be nice to see them in spring too. We set an early
meeting at 8:00 am and hoped that the parking lot would not be full. I
was on the road by 6:36 am and was the first to arrive at 7:53 am. The
others arrived soon after. The roughly 300' elevation lot was mostly
full but had more than enough room for our cars.
We packed up and were on the trail at 8:05 am. It was only 43 degrees
at the start but warmed up quickly. I vaguely recalled a steep old road
at the start. Yes, it is a very steep old road. We set a fast pace and
it was challenging. We gained 1500' in the first 1.7 miles. Much of
that was in the first .75 miles. We caught and passed one group. At the
spot where the trail splits we went up the short very steep route and
another group headed on the longer less steep alternative. After a bare
lower level the trillium show began. Lots of trillium. Lots and lots of
trillium. One of the best trillium hikes I have done. The other big
flower show was skunk cabbage. At the lakes and in many more places
along our route. At 1.5 miles we reached the first junction.
right turn heads west to Raptor Ridge and down to the north west side
of the mountain. We would be hiking there a little later. Since we were
ahead of much of the expected crowds we decided to see the lakes first.
Just after the junction another junction turned off left and climbed to
a viewpoint. The high point at 1800' would be the highest point we
would reach all day. With only 1500' between the lowest and highest
point we would manage to gain 3200' on the day. Lots of ups and downs.
At the viewpoint we could see Mt. Baker though it was a bit hazy. Next
we dropped down to Cedar Lake. We had a nice reflection in the lake as
the wind was completely calm. Heading around the lake we came upon a
group that was camping. At the end of the lake we followed a trail up
to Pine Lake. As we reached a point above the lake we could hear folks.
The trail drops down to lake level and then we went left on a narrow
boardwalk over to the peninsula. We found two groups camping and
another group fishing. After a quick stop and some photos we headed
back on the boardwalk. All around the lake we saw a lot of skunk
cabbage in bloom.
Back at the boardwalk junction we continued around the lake. This
quickly brought us to the best skunk cabbage spot of the day. They were
all around the boardwalk. Sunshine lit of the big yellow spathes. Quite
a sight. We found another group camping and a spot on the shore of the
lake for some more photos. Now it was back on the boardwalk and uphill
again. We stopped at a spot with some screened views of the lake and
had an early part of our lunchs. It was now about 9:45 am. We followed
the main trail back to the spot where we had headed up to the
viewpoint. It stayed well above Cedar Lake and made for a mostly level
trail. We went past that junction to the junction leading towards the
Raptor Ridge Viewpoint on the Hemlock Trail. This was trail none of us
had hiked. After .60 miles we reached
the next junction and turned left on the Raptor Ridge Trail. It was
clear we were not going to be on the top of the ridge. We did see some
very big rocks along the trail. In only .20 miles we found the short
spur to the viewpoint.
The viewpoint is a rock slab out of the forest. It allowed some views
out. We could see parts of the mountain around us. The viewpoint of
Baker we had seen earlier was higher blocked any views to the east.
As luck would have it couple of hikers were there already. We
took some photos and headed on. They along with most folks seen this
day had masks on. The pandemic is not over though on our Cougar
Mountain hike on Wednesday it seemed otherwise. Most folks no longer
bothered to wear masks. Continuing on the Raptor Ridge Trail we quickly
reached another junction. We debated and decided to do the next loop
counterclockwise. We turned right on the Huckleberry Trail. An
interesting name as we did not see a single huckleberry bush. We did
see a lot more trillium and some yellow violets in bloom.
This one mile long trail seemed a lot longer to me. Though we were
heading down it had a lot of short ups along the way. A nicely forested
trail it is. It finally did start to lose some good elevation when we
reached the next junction. We went left on the Salal Trail. This trail
took us higher for .20 miles. Another junction put us on the Madrone
Crest Trail. It should be obvious by now that a map is necessary for
folks new to these trails. There are a lot of junctions. The signage is
very good however. We had one more junction for the Madrone Crest. More
trillium, skunk cabbage, and yellow violets along here. The trail came
to an end on the ridge top. There are rocks to sit on and at one time
there was a view of Mt. Baker. Now we could just make out a bit of it
between branches of trees that have grown to block most of the views.
This is probably not somewhere I will go again. We stopped for lunch
and some more hikers arrived and stopped too.
We arrived at Madrone Crest at 11:44 pm. We stayed until 12:13 pm.
We had hiked 6.7 miles and it was still just after noon. We
headed back to the first junction and headed left and down to the North
Lost Lake Trail. This is a trail I have hiked a number of times on a
loop from the North Chuckanut Trailhead. Gay and John had hiked this
too on one of the trips. We turned left and hiked this old road/trail
.50 miles to the Raptor Ridge Trail. This trail would take us back up
to the Raptor Ridge Viewpoint, closing a loop. Time for more ascending.
The trail climbed in cool forest. We had several mountain bikes pass us
heading down. The trail is quite narrow in places at it traverses a
very steep slope. Our gps map listed Chuckanut Mountain at 1411' just
off the trail. The trail goes around this bump at the end of a ridge.
We decided to go for it.
We left the trail under the summit and headed up. Lots of down logs to
over or around. John and I had shorts on and managed to scrape up our
legs. We plowed ahead and reached a mossy flat rock at the highest
point. Another summit. Completely in forest, it had no views at all.
That bit of excitement out of the way we dropped to a saddle and
decided to go over the other side. This cut out a bit of trail. The
descent was not too bad. More skunk cabbage at the bottom. A short
climb back up brought us to the trail.The route continued uphill to the
junction with the Huckleberry Trail to close the loop. Now we were back
on our morning route up to Raptor Ridge Viewpoint. Much to our surprise
there was nobody at the viewpoint. Unlike our brief morning visit, we
sat down for another break. We arrived at 1:30 pm and stayed until 1:46
pm. Sitting on the rock in the open it was now pretty warm out.
Pleasantly warm. From here it would be almost all downhill to the
trailhead. When two other hikers arrived we headed down.
It did not take long to get pack to the junction with the trail up from
the trailhead. We saw folks off and on going down but not a whole lot
of them. At the point where we had taken the straight up route rather
than the longer one we took the longer trail going down. The map shows
it as one traverse over then back. Actually it heads over then has a
number of switchbacks as it descends. Once back on the main old
road/trail we had the steepest part to go. We all thought it would be
hard to descend but it was not as bad as we feared. In due course the
cars came into view. The lot was mostly full with some open spots. Not
too different that it was in the morning. We reached the cars at 2:55
For the day we hiked 11.5 mile with about 3200' of gain. As mentioned
earlier it is rare to gain more than twice the elevation from the low
to high point. This day we did. We saw two lakes, two viewpoints, and
one forested off trail summit. We saw quite a few people but had long
periods of solitude. Over the 6:50 minutes we were out the number of
folks seen was not very high. You would have seen more in half an hour
on the Oyster Dome Trail nearby. It is always fun to hike new trails
and all of us did so this day. That said when the avalanche
danger drops I will be ready to do some snow travel in the mountains
and get away from the Puget Sound lowlands once again.


Mt. Baker

Viewpoint & Baker

First Skunk Cabbage

Cedar Lake & Cabbage

Cedar Lake Reflection

More Skunk Cabbage

Nicely Lit Up

Skunk Cabbage Bonanza

Pine Lake

Even More

Walking The Plank

Trillium Trio

Big Rocks

Big Mossy Rock

Knotty Tree

Raptor Ridge Viewpoint

Back On Trail

Neat Contrast

Twin Yellow Violets

Garter Snake

Madrone Crest Viewpoint

Lunch Time

Mt. Baker Behind Trees

Gary's Photo

Sunshine On Trail!

Red Currant

Colorful Fungus

Gary Atop Chuckanut Mt.

John On Chuckanut Mt.

Back At Raptor Ridge

Hanging Moss

At Lakes Trail

Salmonberry Flower

Parking Lot
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2021