was free for a Sunday hike. I
had hiked 8 miles with 1700' of gain on Saturday. I wanted an easier
trip. The weather would be excellent so all areas were up for grabs.
Gary hiked the Diablo Lake Trail some years earlier. He told me about
it and I hiked it with Kim. We really enjoyed it. Gary had hiked it
several more times. We had not hiked it together. Diablo Lake it would
be. It is a long drive so I was up at 5:00 am and out the door at 6:05
am. We met in Lynnwood at 6:25 and headed north. Traffic was very light
at that hour. Part of Highway 20 between Marblemount and Newhalem has
one lane severely damaged. There are traffic lights at each end. We
had no problem in the morning. We crossed Diablo Dam and
reached the parking lot at 8:22 am. We were packed and on our way at
8:29 am.
It was a bit chilly at first but not really cold. We were looking
forward to the high 60s in the afternoon. We did not see any trip
reports this year. We were pretty certain it would be snow free and
hoped that there would not be many down trees over the trail. The trail
starts by going around the North Cascades Environmental Learning
Center. There were a number of cars in the lot. Most had dew on the
windshields so we figured they were staying at the center and probably
would not be on the trail. That proved to be true. We navigated several
junctions before settling on the Diablo Lake Trail. There were a few
streams to rock hop in the first half mile. I did not do so well here.
The widest one had a rock a log and another rock to hop. Well, I made
it over th first two. I slipped off the third and fell into the water.
I can attest that my cell phone is waterproof. My pants not so much. I
was not planning a brisk refreshing time laying in a creek. I
had no cotton on and everything did dry out. The only time I
did that before was when a pole collapsed.
There are several spots where lots of water runs down the hillside
carrying rocks along with it. Boots have beaten in paths across them.
One wide one had no tracks and looks to be pretty new. Other than
that, the tread is good. Mostly smooth with soft duff much of the way.
The route climbs up about 800', levels off, and then drops about 800'
to the suspension bridge at the base of Ross Dam. The climb is longer
and gentler than the descent. In the first mile we saw deer near the
trail. We were to see an interesting assortment of wildlife this day.
About 1.5 miles in Gary noticed some color. Tiny calypso orchids dotted
the side of the trail. They are small but very colorful. It is not
usual to see them. I often do see them a time or two in the spring. At
1.7 miles we took a short detour to a powerline corridor with great
views of the Colonial-Pyramid Peaks group. We were early enough to have
it to ourselves.
Late snowfall combined with a very cold spring has left the peaks with
a solid coat of bright white snow. Add the blue sky and it makes for
unusually good peak photos in late May. Even with the powerlines in
view, the mountain views are terrific. We could also see a bit of
Diablo Lake. We arrived at 9:17 am and stayed until 9:35 am. That was
our one stop on the way in. We did slow down a lot when the flower show
began. It has been a fairly wet and cloudy spring and all the mossy
rocks along the trail were especially colorful with water running down
the moss in many places.
The trail crosses very steep slopes with big drop offs on the right and
some near vertical cliffs on the left. We first saw big patches of tiny
yellow flowers growing on moss along the rock walls. Soon after that,
Gary noticed chocolate lilies. I seldom see than as their color is
nearly identical to the hillside. Once we saw one we began to see many
more. There were quite a few over a distance on the hillside.
Strawberries were also in bloom. Then the calypso show started up. I
have never seen anything close to the next couple miles of the trail.
Calypso orchids everywhere. Clumps of 6-8 here and 3 or 4 there.
Hundreds of them. They are tiny and do not dominate the hillside but do
provide really bright colors. There were some Indian paintbrush in
bloom. Two varieties of reddish orange. I looked for the tiny stonecrop
plants. No flowers yet but the many shades of green on the rubber like
plants was a neat sight. A few glacier lilies were still hanging on. I
did not recognize a couple small white and blue flowers. One yellow
flower looked to be some variety of parsley.
As mentioned, the wildflower show slowed us down considerably. I was a
little surprised that nobody caught up with us. Just before the descent
began, we met the first person of the day. He was coming back. He
mentioned that there seemed to be fewer calypso orchids than usual. If
several hundred is a bad year, what does a good one look like? The
descent is steeper than the ascent but the trail remains smooth. Few
stops, rocks, or roots to deal with. There are three rock hop creeks. I
was pleased to remain vertical after all of them. By now I was mostly
dry again. There were logs down over the trail but we could step over
all of them. The steep flower slopes were mostly in the open. The
descent was in forest. I was looking forward to getting out in the
sunshine again. We reached the bottom and the suspension bridge when
Gary stopped. There were two deer just ahead. We took some photos and
the deer did not seem to care about us. In fact, they walked closer.
There was a third one we saw about now. That made it 5 deer on the way
in. Not bad.
We crossed the bridge walking back into bright sunshine. It was 10:51
am. After 2:22 we had hiked just under 4 miles. The GPS recorded a
moving average of 2.6 mph. The long mountain view break and photo stops
slowed it to under 2 mph total time. We followed the road down the
lake/river. The power plant was right there. The dam was not in sight
but it was from the bridge. The road leads to a tunnel and continues up
to the dam. We took a detour to the floating dock where the tour boats
land in season. There is an outhouse there too. The lake water is very
green. A waterfall is above. The waterfall creek is spanned by a bridge
on Highway 20. We were in wilderness with a major highway right above
us. The sun felt great and we just sat and had part of our lunch. We
arrived at 11:10 am and stayed until 11:49. We had both been this far.
Now it was time to continue on.
The road climbs to the dam in about a mile from the suspension bridge.
Up we went. We had a few views out to the Colonial Peaks along the way.
The narrow river/lake was below. Both of us had been to the dam from
parking lot off Highway 20. Neither of us had been up this road. We met
the junction where the road goes to the east side of the lake and the
trail up to the parking lot off the highway. Some folks we saw later
just hiked downhill a half mile to the dam. On the dam, the first thing
we saw was how low the lake is. There is a lot of snow still to melt.
The Colonial-Pyramid Peaks were resplendent in their white
coats of snow. As we walked across the dam, 9075' Jack Mountain came
into view. It too had a lot of snow on it. There is quite a view from
the dam right now. We had planned to turn around at the end of the dam
and have a 10 mile hike. We felt good and decided to continue a while
on the Ross Dam Trail. The trail is not level. We had a number of ups
and downs. Part way along we met a Mountaineer Backpacking group. They
spent the night at Big Beaver Creek. The leader was Louise, who I know.
I have also hiked with Heidi in the group. You never know who you will
meet on the trail.
We saw a few more people on this trail. After only seeing one person on
the way to the dam this seemed like a crowd. When we were right above
the floating resort buildings we headed back. We saw them from the dam
but not from the forested trail. Back at the dam, we stopped to put on
sunscreen. We have not seen much sun so far this year. We hiked back to
the dock for another long break. We did have a long drive back and the
broken Highway 20 and Puget Sound traffic would make for slower trip
back. We reached the dock at 1:59 pm. We stayed until 2:28 pm. It was
now getting hot on the dock. I noticed a crazy reflection on the box of
the one boat tied to the dock. It looked like it was on fire. I took a
video of it. When we did leave Gary picked up a hitchhiker. A butterfly
landed on him and decided to stay. I took photos of it. We were
entertained enough that when we sent it on its way it was now 2:42 pm.
We hiked back to the bridge and across. We left just ahead of another
group of younger hikers. They closed the gap then stopped and we
powered up the trail. As mentioned the trail is moderately steep but
smoothly graded. It was also in the shade. We decided to just set a
faster pace to get it out of the way. The trail leveled off somewhat
where the open flower slopes are. We took a few photos but mostly just
kept moving. At the powerline
viewpoint, we took a last food and water break. As expected, there were
other folks here now. As we left the younger hikers arrived. They did
not stay long and they ended up passing us in the last mile. Younger
knees went downhill faster than ours. I was pleased to safely get
across the creek I had laid in earlier. We arrived at the parking lot
at 4:30 pm We also went down to the shore of Diablo Lake for a view of
the lake and the peaks behind it.
On the drive home, we found that the traffic light seemed to allocate
the same amount of time for each direction. Unfortunately, we stopped
over a mile before the light. There was no backup in the other
direction. Eight cars went through with our group. Zero to three cars
went through in the other direction. To be efficient we should have had
about four times as long with a green light. This may be a real mess on
Memorial Day weekend. The rest of the drive home was fine. After losing
30 minutes to the light we were late enough to miss the Marysville
backup on I-5.
For the weekend I did 2 hikes totaling 20 miles with 4600' of elevation
gain. The Diablo trip was 12+ miles with 2900' of gain. We saw one
person on the way to the dam. We saw 5 deer. On the Ross Dam Trail, we
saw a big garter snake sunning itself. The crazy butterfly entertained
us as well. The last time I was at the dam was about 30 years ago. The
wildflower show was not prolific but there was a good variety and the
calypso orchids were a real treat. This was a great hiking weekend. My
second time on the Diablo Lake Trail was great again and this time I
went even farther. It was a sunny and great weekend on the trails.

First Peak View

Rocky Trail.

Mossy Rocks

View Through Trees

First Calypso Orchid

Powerline Viewpoint

Davis Peak

Gary At Talus Field

Colonial Peak

Seep Monkey Flower

Mossy Wall

Another Calypso

More Greenery

Indian Paintbrush

Yellow Flower

Glacier Lilies

Chocolate Lilies

White Flowers

Different Paintbrush

Partial View Of Jack Mt

Lake Far Below



Jim On Trail

Jack Mountain

One More Calypso

Dam & Jack Mt

Deer Friends

Suspension Bridge

Green Water

Into The Tunnel

Floating Dock

Lake & Peaks

Onto The Dam

Ross Dam

Gary On Dam

Peaks From Dam


Lake & Jack Mt

Big Garter Snake

Gary & Low Lake

Colonial Pk From Dam

Colonial-Pyramid Group

Kayak On Lake

Back At Dock

Butterfly On Gary

Butterfly Close Up

At Tunnel Again

Nearing Bridge

Woodland Star

Boat Far Below

Gary With Peaks

Another White Flower

Some Clouds

Bright New Leaves

Lake At Trailhead
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2022