East Tiger Loop
needed a Saturday hike close in.
With rain in the afternoon I wanted an early start. That would give me
time for at least 10 miles. I was out the door at 6:30 am. I stopped
for cheap Issaquah gas (only $4.60) and reached the Tiger Summit inner
trailhead at 7:20 am. I was on the trail at 7:24 am. Nearly the entire
drive was in the dark. It was dim but not dark when I headed out. I
first did this loop for the first time on 5-07-23. I may have done it
in the past via the Iverson Trail to the road then up the TMT to Middle
Tiger. This new route is shorter taking a new trail from the Iverson to
the TMT. The TMT itself has been shortened after this trail meets it.
At the start it was too dark for good photos. My phone has a feature to
keep the screen dark when in a pocket. This day it felt the day was too
dark and refused to let me open the phone to get to my camera. When It
was light enough to work, I disabled this feature. The mushroom show
began early but was muted. Some here and there but no big displays.
Later on, I would find more mushrooms. The day was misty and very misty
when I reached a clearcut. The trees were visible but a white mist
filled the view. It was actually kind of neat. Within about
20 minutes It was light out but still misty. It looked like a moist day
of hiking.
I reached the junction with the Side Hustle Trail and took it. This is
a one way down bike trail but the first part is open to hikers in both
directions. When I reached the junction with the TMT Connector Trail
the Side Hustle became bikes downhill only. Later, I would pass the top
of the Side Hustle Trail. Recent rain made for wet brush. That was not
a problem for most of the trail. Parts of the TMT Connector are a bit
brushy. My pants became a little wet and my feet were no longer dry.
The Connector ends up at the end of the 1925 trail wreck site. The new
trail drops down to the site and a new bridge crossed the creek. I have
a lot of photos of the few remaining parts form the wreck. I added more
this day.
I was quickly on the TMT (Tiger Mt. Trail). Right at that point the old
trail made a big semi-circle. The new section goes straight ahead. It
is much shorter now. The trail is near the edge of the recent clearcut.
The mushroom show improved noticeably. I stopped for quite a few photos
as my average speed plummeted. It was well worth the time. The trail
enters dark forest and passes the spot where the old TMT comes in.
Using my gps I could see where it used to be but could not be sure
where the old trail is. It seems to be well hidden by the new trail
builders. Just a few minutes later I reached the Middle Tiger Trail. I
turned right and began the steep ascent. This trail has some quite
steep sections and some more gentle switchbacks. I think it was been
moderated as I seem to recall the whole trail being very steep years
ago. Though it was a cold 50 degrees at the start, it seemed to be much
warmer now. It also seemed to be lighter. I finally reached the 2608'
summit of Middle Tiger Mountain at 9:16 am. I hiked 4 miles in 1:52. I
had an early brunch and I was heading down at 9:24 am. The drop is
steep and there is a big log across the trail. It was not too bad
getting over it. At the summit I was in trees but there were shadows.
For a moment I was above the clouds. That was not in the forecast.
At the bottom of the road I could barely see the top of Tiger 1 through
a row if deciduous trees. The summit was in the clear but there were
white clouds below. I was not on an old logging road and it continued
to drop slowly. I was then right back in the misty clouds. It was
markedly colder in the clouds. I found some more mushrooms along here.
The road bottomed and climbed slightly to reach the main Tiger Road
that goes up Tiger 1 and 2. I turned right and the road began to climb
at a steeper grade. As the road topped out, I was back out in sunshine.
The sun was still low and I only had it in clearcuts. Looking back, it
was too cloudy to see to Middle Tiger. Normally, I would have
a window where East Tiger comes into view. It was too cloudy at this
time. Thus far I had total solitude. Most bikers climb straight up East
Tiger on the road or the Master Link Trail. I'm sure some come down the
one way Side Hustle Trail but few seem to start up the Iverson. I did
this loop clockwise to avoid crowds. It worked very well. I passed the
top of the Side Hustle and the road began to descend. I passed the
Preston RR Grade Trail. A branch off of it goes up East Tiger. It is
very narrow on a steep slope and not a good place for hikers to meet
bikers. I prefer the longer road route up.
The road bottomed out where my downhill route comes in. This direct
road starts about 2.8 miles downhill at Tiger Summit. Now I had a
steady climb up as I continued contouring around East Tiger. At the
next junction the East Tiger summit spur goes off to the left. Now I
started to see bikers. Multiple groups passed by. The last .70 miles to
the summit is a good workout. There are a couple flat spots and a few
really steep sections for a road. My pace actually picked up as I
headed for the top. I reached the summit at 10:33 am. I had
traveled 6.8 miles. The base loop is 10 miles with 2200' of gain. The
weather was good so I decided to do the summit spur twice. It brings
the day up to 12 miles with 2600' of gain. Speaking of good weather,
above the summit the sky was bright blue. Mt. Rainier was clear though
a small cloud cap was forming. Below me was a sea of white. All around
the low clouds never did burn off. I was in sunshine at 3000' but below
about 2100' was a dense misty fog. I love looking down on the tops of
clouds. This was not forecast and definitely not expected. I love to
grab sunshine on a day when most people are home in the moist mist.
After a short food and water break I headed down the road. More bikes
were coming up. At the bottom I continued straight ahead over to the
top of the Predator Trail and beyond. By adding an extra .30 miles I
would round up to an even 12 miles for the day. I headed back and then
up the summit spur a second time. It is hard to keep up the pace for
the second climb but I did pretty well. I reached the top for the
second time at 11:16 am. It was even warmer now. At least it felt that
way in direct sunlight. My stay was short and at 11:24 am I headed down
once again. It is about 4 miles from the summit to the trailhead. It is
nearly all downhill. The road is plenty wide enough for multiple bikes
to pass a hiker. It was pretty easy hiking. The road is hard and by the
end I am wishing I was on soft trail but the road is easier than going
down the Master Link by afternoon as many bikers are coming up it. The
descent went pretty quickly. I raised my average moving speed from 2.1
to 2.4 mph in just the last third of the hike. Without mushrooms to
stop and photograph my speed picked up a lot.
I arrived back at my car at 12:34 pm. I took 5:10 to hike the 12 miles.
It was still not long past noon. The parking lot was overflowing as
expected. Cars were parked along the road. My early start allowed me to
get in a long trip and get through Seattle before the Seahawks crowd
bogged down the freeway. This is a fun loop with two summits and few
people for the first half of the trip. In the spring I had wildflowers
and in the fall it was mushrooms. Best of all I hiked above the clouds
and into sunshine. All in all, not a bad day for a fall hike.
Dark Forest At First
Misty Clearcut
Angry Squirrel
First Fall Color
First Mushroom Shot |
More Mushrooms
Shiny Shrooms
Dark Background
Nice Color
View from Beneath
Wet Strawberry?
Big Mushroom
A Little Brushy
New Bridge
Train Wreck
Line White Mushroom
On The TMT
Great Color
Mossy Background
My Favorite Trip Photo
Mushroom Duo
A Hole In The Middle
Middle Tiger Trail
Great Color
Middle Tiger Summit
Descent Into Clouds
Tiger 1 Over Clouds
Into Sunshine
Sunlit Leaves
Best Color
On East Tiger Spur |
Mt. Rainier |
Sun On Mushrooms |
Above The Clouds |
Back In The Clouds |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2023