I have hiked from Snoqualmie Pass
to Ridge and Gravel Lakes so many times that I have accumulated a fair number
of photos. I think it's about time I organized them in a way that will make
them readily accessible to me and to others. I have done this hike in the
spring when lingering snow makes for a few difficult stretches. I have done
it in mid summer when the sun is blazing and all I want is to find some
shade. In the fall there are great colors and delicious berries to munch
on. I have reached the Katwalk when a fresh snow covers it and there are
no footprints. I have spent an afternoon on top of Kendall Peak alone and
watched armies of hikers pass by below me. I have hiked this trail in all
seasons and enjoyed it each and every time. It proceeds at such a moderate
and consistent grade that the 2700' gained in 5 1/4 miles to the Katwalk
seem to go by easily. Withlout further ado I give you my photos of one of
my favorite hikes.