& Blazer Lakes
this day was a long time in
coming. My site had been online for 20 years, 4 months, and 25 days
when I took the hike that would be my 1000th trip report. In the early
years two or three would end up with no photos. For the past 13 or more
years every report has photos. A whole lot of time has gone
into the site and especially the trip reports over the past two
decades. I wanted something fitting for this report. Other than close
by Tiger Mountain, the trips I do most every year are to Iron Peak and
Rainbow Lake. The first has great views. I have done it in most months
of the year. The latter was one of my first favorites and has remained
so. Checking my hiking log, I was a little surprised to see that in the
35 years I have listed every hike, I have hiked to Rainbow Lake 49
times. Saturday was looking to be cloudy in the morning and
humid. Especially hot east of the Cascade Crest. I decided Rainbow Lake
sounded better than Iron Peak. This would be my 50th visit.
I wanted to have just a few folks along who have hiked with me for many
years. Gary Westerlund was at the top of the list but he tore his
hamstring just a couple weeks earlier. I settled on a small group with
Kim Brown, Gwen Tollefson, and John Sluder. With Snow Lake and Annette
Lake Trails closed for the summer, I expected even more hikers than
usual on the Pratt Lake Trail. We aimed for an early start. I drove Kim
and Gwen and John drove alone. We met at the Pratt Trailhead at 7:00
am. The lot still had half a dozen or more spaces open. We were packed
and on our way at 7:11 am.
The cloud level was not far above us. By the time we reached the
Granite Mountain junction, just before the first mile marker, we were
entering the mist. Early on we started seeing saprophytes. I see some
occasionally on this trail but not that often. Pine drops were
especially plentiful.
Some of them were really tall. Farther along we saw pinesap and coral
root. Coming down we saw a rarer saprophyte. It was not hot in the
morning but the humidity was much more than we are used to. Our pace
was pretty slow. We saw a few groups of runners passing us going up. We
saw a lone backpacker coming down. For a dry Saturday in August we saw
a lot fewer people than expected. Especially with two very popular
nearby trails closed. The mist did add a "not summer" feel to the hike.
At three miles, someone pointed out a 3-mile marker high on a tree. It
looked new. I had never seen it.
We popped out of the forest at the Olallie Lake Overlook. The tree
there used to have a 4-mile marker on it. We could see the lake but the
ridge just across the valley was lost in clouds. Mt. Rainier was too.
Hiking around Pratt Mountain, we saw a lot of beargrass stalks with
finished flowers. It must have been a great display a month or so ago.
We saw quite a few varieties of wildflowers blooming on the partly open
slopes but not a lot of individual flowers. There were a couple patches
of Indian paintbrush but I only saw one or two lupine flowers in bloom.
There were also penstemon, pearly everlasting, asters, fireweed, and a
few others.
We reached the high point and then began the descent into the valley of
Island and Rainbow Lakes. Last year, I was there one week later. With
our cold spring, most flowers have been several weeks late. The
blueberries were great last year. I did not expect many to be ripe now.
Most were not quite there but we found lots of them that were ripe.
Berries are one
other benefit of a late summer visit to Rainbow Lake. We arrived at the
lake at 11:37 am. I was afraid that by that time there would be
visitors. There were not. We saw nobody at the lake during our entire
stay. That is very unusual. They come via the Pratt, Talapus, and Mason
Lake Trails. This day they did not.
I try to brush out the way trail down to Blazer Lake every 2-3 years.
It had been longer than that. Last year Gary and I went part way down
the trail and the brush was minimal. Some cut branch marks show that at
least one other person is doing a little brushing. Kim has been to
Blazer Lake and preferred to relax up at Rainbow. Gwen and John joined
me for a trip down to Blazer. The way trail, which start just after the
outlet creek crossing, is visible but getting a bit narrower. We
crossed the
other outlet creek down at the flat meadow. The pond had a lot of
flowering yellow lily pads in bloom. We dropped a bit more to the
Kaleetan Peak Viewpoint and it was lost in clouds. The MF Snoqualmie
was buried in low clouds. The brush is still minimal. We did a little
brushing on the way back uphill. We went around the washout, over the
big log and smaller log and steeply downhill. The path took us out to
the boulder field. The minimal path alongside the boulders is now a
recognizable boot path. We dropped down to the lake. Early in the
summer the inlet creek is too deep to cross the end of the lake. Now it
was dry/muddy around the end of the lake.
We went to the lake end for photos of the steep rock walls surrounding
the lake and Pratt Mountain rising high above. Pratt was mostly out of
the clouds. I headed over to the far side of the lake and
climbed up into the forest. There are some big cedar trees here. I came
to a very noticeable boot path. One other time I beat brush down to the
far end of the lake. Now there is a path. It made for a quick trip to
the far end of the lake. We went out onto the big rocks along the shore
for views back down the lake. Someone has been busy doing some trail
work here. We even found one spot that could be a small campsite. I
found a lot more at Blazer Lake than I expected. We worked our way back
up the lake and then ascended the path and then old trail back to
Rainbow Lake. As mentioned, we did a little brushing along the way. We
were back at our site on the shore of Rainbow Lake at about 1:25 pm.
John need to be back at the trailhead by about 4:00 pm. He kept watch
on the time. By now the sun was partly out. It was much warmer in the
sunshine. A little sun and a little shade under a big tree provided all
we needed to be comfortable. At about 2:00 pm John headed back. He made
great time getting back to the trailhead in about 1.5 hours. We would
have liked to spend the whole day there but reality butted in and we
packed up and left at 2:30 pm. Edit: I just found out why we had the
lake to ourselves all day. The Talapus Lake and Mason Lake Trails were
closed all day due to a search and rescue operation. Nobody was on
either trail all day. I hope the missing person was found. It did
provide us with a one in a million day of total solitude.
Our trip back was not fast. The sunshine made it warmer than the trip
in. The climb out of the valley was toasty but then it was nearly all
downhill back tot he trailhead. We took fewer photos coming out but the
saprophyte show deserved a few more. A few were now lit up by sunshine.
Kim noticed one we missed on the way in. A small one that was low to
the ground. Checking at home verified that it was a gnome plant. Kim
and I saw one of them years ago. Only my second sighting. That was the
rare saprophyte mentioned earlier. We passed a few groups coming in and
were passed by a few going out. It was never very crowded. We took
breaks and just enjoyed the fairly cool forest. We made it back to the
car at 6:24 pm.
This turned out to be a really nice hike for trip report #1000. It was
a bit humid on the way up but never too hot. The sun came out for much
of the way down. The trail is well graded without really steep
sections. The saprophyte show was really very good. The gnome plant was
icing on the cake. Having 3 hours at Rainbow Lake without seeing even
one other person on an August Saturday is one in a million odds. It was
great to get back to Blazer Lake again. The route was not as overgrown
as expected. Though we had not all hiked together before we all had a
great time. The trip to Rainbow Lake and back was 11 miles with 2900'
gain. Adding in Blazer Lake brought it up to 12 miles with 3100' of
I'm not sure what I expected in March of 2002 when I started the Hiking
Northwest website. I hoped it would grow for many years. I was not sure
would still be going strong after 1000 trip reports. It has been a lot
of work and a lot of enjoyment.

Trailhead Group Shot

First Saprophytes

Misty Waterfall

Runner On Trail

Tall Pine Drops

3-Mile Marker

Jim & Big Saprophyte

Cloudy Olallie Lake

Kim On Defiance Trail

Group On Trail

Indian Paintbrush


Paintbrush Fern



Bandera Mountain

Arrive At Rainbow Lake

Reclining Rock

Gwen On The Rocks

John On Rock Island

Lily Pad Flowers

Kaleetan Viewpoint

Blazer Lake Overlook

Gwen Descending

Nearing Blazer Lake

Blazer & Pratt Mountain

Underwater Shelf

Far End Of Blazer

Cliffs Above

Clouds Drift By

Big Cedar Tree

Leaving Lake

Gwen Ascending

Back At Rainbow Lake

Group Shot At Lake

Sun & Shade

Jim & 1000

Mt. Defiance

Beargrass Grass

West Granite Mountain


Gnome Plant

Sun On Olallie Lake

Another Saprophyte

Sun On Pine Drops

Close Up

Ground Up View

Sun On Waterfall

Last Saprophyte
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2022