had only done Shriner Peak one
time. Hard to believe. It is an
excellent workout with terrific views as well. Gary and I went in July
2002, the first year of this website. Digital photography was in its
infancy and I ad a 1.3 megapixel camera with no optical zoom. I needed
better photos. On that trip there was snow the last half mile and
wildflowers in bloom along the trail. Though it is still summer we are
well into fall conditions. I expected lots of red and orange leaves. I
left North Seattle at 6:30 am. On to Enumclaw then up Highway 410 to
Cayuse Pass. Over the pass and downhill 7.5 miles to the paved parking
spot on the right (west) side of the road. The trail is signed and is a
few hundred feet farther down the road. Room for 5-6 cars on the west
side. Another 3-4 can fit on the dirt shoulder on the east side. I was
packed and ready by 8:28 am. There was one other car at the trailhead.
The trail climbs at a steady grade. One quick switchback then a long
traverse to the south. There was a little leaf color down low. Some was
still green and some was shriveled. Though it was early the temperature
was higher than expected. It is mid September already. The lower half
of the trip is in forest. When the traverse ends the trail is now on
the south side of the mountain. I was looking in the wrong direction
for Mt. Rainier. The route pops out of forest and into the sunshine.
The grade remains steady most of the way. Traversing to the left I
reached a spot I vaguely recalled form 13 years before. Mt. Rainier
suddenly popped out. A short side trail led to a spot with an
unobstructed view of Rainier. I took a short break to enjoy the view.
The fall color really improved higher up. Muted in one direction but
afire when lit up by the sunshine. Lots of photos to take. The route
climbs to a ridge and drops a short way on the other side. Into a
little forest and more climbing to the big meadow. Really good color
along here. Very slow going. With all my photo stops I expected to see
other hikers catch up. It did not happen. The summit came into view at
the lower ridge but it still was 1000' vertical feet away. The last
part included a number of long switchbacks up the face of the peak.
Very gently graded and long traverses. The summit did not seem to be
getting much closer.
I was nearly to the top before the lookout building came into view.
This one does not stand on legs. The lower section is part of the
building. I headed up the stairs and found two hikers on the shady
side. They accounted for the one car at the trailhead. They started up
at 6:30 am as I was leaving Seattle. They did have great early morning
lighting. I sat down with a view of Mt. Rainier right in front of me. I
could pick out the Cowlitz Chimneys, Mt. Tamanos, Burroughs Mt., and
even Mt. Fremont.
Another couple arrived a few minutes later and they sat down. One more
hiker arrived soon after. I arrived at 1:00 pm and spent 45 minutes on
the lookout. I headed down and took the short trail to the two
campsites. There is a bear wire and a big self contained toilet. I
could see to the south and it was very hazy. I headed back to the
lookout and another group arrived. Two of the first three groups had
already left. At 12:48 pm I headed on down. Everyone else left before
me. I spent almost two hours on top. The lighting was still pretty good
going down. I took fewer photos but did stop for some good leaf color.
I caught the first group of the day and did not see them again. Four or
five more groups were seen heading up. It was now very warm. I was glad
to be going down not up.
The trip down was much faster. 1:44 vs. 2:30 going up. A full 46
minutes faster. I'm not sure if the lack of parking keeps the crowds
away. For such a nice hike with views and fall colors I did not see
many hikers. This trip has the added bonus of being in Mt. Rainier
National Park but not requiring any fees. If you can find parking it's
free. The last line of my 2002 trip report reads, "I will definitely be
back to Shriner Peak before long". Well, 13 years is a long time. I
should not let that much time go by before I return.

Parking Area

Bright Green Leaves

Twisted Tree

First Colors

Multiple Colors

Lots Of Colors

Deeper Color

Red & Green

First Look At Rainier

Mt. Rainier Summit

Orange Against Blue Sky

Last Wildflowers

Summit In Sight

Ridge Color

Shade & Sunshine

More Yellows

Very Deep Red

Colorful Meadows

Beautiful Day

Outstanding Colors

Flaming Berry Bushes

Nearing Peak Colors

Golden Meadow

Shriner Peak Lookout

View Towards Rainier

Cowlitz Chimneys

Tamanos Mountain

Little Tahoma

Inside Lookout

Last Rainier Shot

Lookout Again

Color Heading Down

Christmas Colors

Back To The Yellows

Last Leaf Color Shot
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
- 2015