Day 2
woke up to find our tents
covered in condensation. The brush around camp was all soaking wet. Our
route up Huckleberry Mountain would be largely up tall brush and
grass. On the plus side, the sky was finally clear with sun on our
campsite. We slept in and did not get up until past 8:00 am. I did not
need to walk far to fill my oatmeal bowl with fresh huckleberries. By
the time we were packed up to get hiking the brush was rapidly drying
out. The night before we did some exploring. The trail down to our
meadow in a basin kept going but soon ended. Our basin sat at the edge
of a big cliff. Thirty of so feet beyond John's tent the slope fell
away in a tall cliff. A gully ran from the far end of the meadow up
towards Huckleberry Mountain. We could see steep open grassy meadows
above. The middle of the meadow had forest below the upper grasses.
where we first reached the meadow another gully ran up towards the
summit. I went up that gully and found a trench that looked to be part
of the old trail. The grass, false hellebore, and small trees made it
tough to tell for sure. It did match the trail on my phone GPS app.
That is where we started out on Sunday morning.
We left camp a few minutes before 10:00 am. We had all day to
do a short distance. Short but not easy. The 26 years since Gary's
previous trip had mostly obliterated the trail. He and his friend Mark
had followed the trail up and camped at the summit. We were
looking at more of a scramble up. The grass was mostly dry. We found
that section of trail but lost it soon after. I led a bit and went up
through a band of trees where the footing was better. We could barely
see our feet in the tall hellebore and there were plenty of holes. We
were ascending now a little right of the main gully. We came out of the
trees to find... the trail. It was heading right and uphill. We soon
lost it but kept going in the same direction. The slope was now less
steep. We regained what seemed to be the trail just before a flat spot.
The upper mountain was now laid out before us. It was all green grasses
with yellowish false hellebore groves. We could see a number of spots
that looked like a possible trail. We knew it rose to near the ridge
top then followed it up and right to the summit of Huckleberry Mountain.
We scrambled up using the GPS map as a guide and did find the old
trail. It was covered in grass but a little level tread was very much
appreciated. It even had a couple switchbacks as it neared the ridge
top. We reached the ridge right below several silvered snags that are
very obvious. There was some wire there from the old lookout phone. I
have found insulators before but seldom the actual phone wire. We kept
ascending just right of the ridge top at the edge of grass. The ridge
top has trees. Near the top the trail contours below the summit to the
far side. The lookout site is never seen until you are right at it. A
few more short switchbacks on the last climb. It is still not all that
obvious as we had trouble staying on it up high when descending.
The route climbs the southwest ridge then cuts around the east side to
reach a flat ridge top on the north. A short couple of steps up takes
you to the lookout site. Gary camped on the flat grassy ridge top. The
actual lookout site has grass and brush on all but the north side. Lots
of melted glass but no wood. Multiple fire lookout sites say that the
lookout was built in 1935 and burned by vandals in 1962. I have not
been able to find even a single photo of the lookout building. The trip
up was only .60 miles with 800' of elevation gain but it too us 1:24.
Much time was spent trying to find the old trail. We had good views
south from below the summit and great views most other directions from
the lookout site. The sky was clear for views of Glacier Peak, Sloan
Peak, Whitechuck, Pugh, Three Fingers, Whitehorse, Green, Buckindy, and
more. It seemed hot though the thermometer only read 60 degrees.
On his previous trip Gary and Mark camped on the ridge by the lookout
site then headed north to Boulder Peak, the next peak on the ridge. We
had the same plan. What we lacked was good info. Gary keeps excellent
records of his trips. We knew he found water in 1962. What we lacked
was the best route to get to Boulder Peak. The ridge top descends
gentle to a saddle between the peaks. The entire ridge is packed with
trees. It is very narrow. Following the ridge top is not an option. The
left side of the ridge is too steep. To the right is a boulder and
grass basin about 300' lower. We chose to start along the ridge below
the thick trees. It went okay at first but the slope became steeper and
steeper. We found a spot where we could bail out down to the basin and
took it. Now we had easier travel but could not see what the saddle
ahead looked like.
We dropped down farther and turned a corner to see the route up to the
saddle. It was more steep grass, heather, and false hellebore. With big
ripe huckleberries too. The slope steepened considerably near the top.
Okay to ascend. It would be more interesting to come down. Once on top
we started gently climbing to a flat meadow at the base of the final
slopes up Boulder Peak. This was the best climbing of the day. No
navigation needed. Just one steep step after another to the top. And oh
what a top. Huckleberry Mountain is at an elevation of 5856'. Boulder
Peak is at 6267'. The views are 360 degrees and spectacular. Below are
Pear and Boulder Lakes. Behind the lakes is Hurricane Peak. To the
north are Mt. Baker, Snowking, Buckindy, numerous other North Cascade
summits. Heading east Dome Peak and Bonanza stand tall. Glacier Peak
really stands out. We could even just make out the Olympic Mountains
far to the west. A great spot to just take in the views. We
arrived at 12:45 pm and stayed until 2:24 pm. We were the second party
to sign the summit register this year.
Dropping off Boulder Peak was fast and easy. The drop from the saddle
was much steeper but went just fine. Then we had the climb all the way
up the rocky basin to just below the old Huckleberry lookout site
summit. The basin was quite photogenic and made for easy travel. The
last climb was steep but not too long. We arrived back at the lookout
site at 3:35 pm. It was one mile between the summits. We took another
break enjoying the views before heading down. We left the summit at
4:01 pm and arrived at camp at 4:48. It was much easier now that we
knew the route. For the day we traveled a whole 3.3 miles with 1950' of
elevation gain and loss. On trail that would not be hard. Off trail on
steep slopes with lots of side hilling it was not that easy. The payoff
was well worth the effort. After dinner and another round of Pass the
Plate we headed to bed.
The forecast for Monday had clouds and a chance of rain. We were
prepared to break camp in the rain and face lots of wet brush on the
climb up to the real trail in the big meadow above. Instead we awoke in
a cloud but with zero condensation on our tents. They were packed away
almost entirely dry.

Heading For The Lookout

Sloan Peak

Good Colors On Ascent

Mt. Pugh

Huckleberry Mountain

Whitechuck Mountain

Traversing Slope

Mt. Baker

Boulder Peak Ahead

Heading To Boulder Pk

Getting Steeper

Dropped Into Basin

John On Knoll

Heading For Ridge

Nearing Ridge Top

On Ridge Top

Looking At Basin

Huckleberry Behind Us

Final Push To Boulder

Lakes Below Boulder

Fall Colors

Snowking Mountain

More Colors

Hurricane Peak

Dome Peak

John & Gary On Boulder

Boulder Benchmark

Green Mt. & Cloud

Descending Boulder Pk

On The Rocks

Partridge Foot

Basin & Glacier Peak

Lookout Is Above

Mt. Buckindy

Glacier Close Up

Descending Huckleberry

Phone Line

Trail & Color

Excellent Color

Final Grassy Gully

Time To Crash |

Plate |

Glacier Near Sunset |

Panorama North From Huckleberry Lookout Site |
Click on thumbnails to get
larger pictures.
Day >>
Mountain Report