Poo Poo Point

A 70 degree Tuesday during a cold wet spring. I couldn't get out the past weekend so I made a point to get out this day. After working until 1:00 pm I started up the trail, next to Issaquah High School, at 2:00 pm. It felt more like 80 than 70 as I haven't hiked when it's that hot in six months. There are still some skunk cabbage in bloom though they are nearly finished. The High School Trail above the power lines is lined with bleeding hearts and violets in the spring. This year they have barely begun. I saw only a few bleeding hearts. Above the big bridge is a great spot for trillium. That one I hit just right. Many dozens of trillium. I saw more coming down than up. Not sure it more blooms opened later or I was just more observant.

Still a few logs down though the ones below the bridge have been cut out. I was covered in sweat by the time I reached the railroad grade. From there it's mostly downhill to Poo Poo Point. I ran into three groups while heading up. About as much solitude as usual on this trail. At the point I found a crowd of parasailors in the air and on the ground. There was a steady breeze helping the sailors get airborne. At the peak, I saw 14 folks in the air.

It was 3:50 when I arrived and I spent 1 1/2 hours up there. What a great place to spend a sunny spring afternoon. I had my camera and a newspaper to keep my busy. The time went by all too fast. With the breeze and thermals the parasailors seemed to be able to stay up as long as they pleased. All to soon, I had to head down. I was surprised to see another half dozen groups coming up. Maybe they wanted to see the sunset from the point. I made it down just after 7:00 pm. What a great way to spend an afternoon!

Trillium Central
Launch Site
Getting Started
Flying Over Me
Flying Over Issaquah
Flying By
Taking Off
Running To Take Off
Soaring Above
Another Trillium
Salmonberry Flower
Trail Down
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.

Trips - 2009
