Cady Ridge
Day two of a
rare sunny and warm mid November Weekend. After yesterday on
Stillaguamish Peak where to go today. Kim suggested West Cady Ridge.
She hiked up there for the first time a few months earlier. I had never
been there. The road was closed by the floods of 2003 and 2006 and
opened up this year. I picked up Kim at 7:15 and we headed on to
Highway 2. It was foggy in Seattle and by Monroe but it cleared as we
headed east. Just beyond Skykomish we turned onto the Beckler River
Road. I had been up here last winter for a snowshoe trip up Evergreen
Mountain but had never been beyond the Rapid River. I have
been to the Blanca Lake trailhead several times and that is near the
West Cady trailhead. The difference is the flood that took out the
Index - Galena Road. Now the only way back there is the Beckler Road
over Jack Pass.
The road turns to dirt at Rapid River but is in great shape. It took us
just over 2 hours to drive the 88 miles from Seattle. By 9:30 we were
on the trail. We hurried to get ready as it was frigid at the
trailhead. It could not have been much over 32 degrees but felt colder
than that. The road used to go on to another trailhead but it now ends
here as this is where the new Wild Sky Wilderness starts. The trail
follows the NF Skykomish River a short distance to a high bridge over a
narrow gorge. On the other side we saw the Wild Sky boundary sign.
Now the trail begins a series of long and short switchbacks. It is a
horse trail and is seldom more than a ten percent grade. Easy on the
knees and the lungs as it gains some 2300' in about 3 1/2 miles to the
top of West Cady Ridge. This is old forest. No stumps here. Lots of
huge trees. The trail has many small creek crossings. I suspect many of
them are the same creeks. There are old puncheon bridges and rock hops.
Even with higher than summer time water levels they were all easy
enough to get across.
The devil's club has lost it's leaves and mushrooms are sprouting. It
is much different than it looks in mid summer. There were no cars in
the lot when we arrived and we saw zero people all day. There were
recent footprints in the mud and snow though. In a few places the trail
is a creek bed. These were not long but some trail work will be in
order next year. Kim loves dark old growth forest and she somehow
managed to keep her photo breaks to a minimum. We had only seven hours
of daylight and wanted to have plenty of time on top.
In due time we began to break out of the thick forest as we neared the
ridge top. Views began to the west and northwest. Soon we could see out
to Columbia and Kyes Peaks. They were very white with recent snow. As
the grade lessened we began to intersect parts of the old trail. This
one stayed more or less on the crest while the new one made a number of
ever gentler switchbacks. Snow began where we left the deeper forest
and soon blanketed the ground. It was never more than six inches deep.
A break in the trees gave us a nice look at Glacier Peak. A little
farther along we stopped for lunch.
We had a great view to Glacier, Columbia, and Kyes Peaks. A few clouds
began to drift in. It was cool on the snow but not at all cold. This
was my first time here but Kim was able to marvel at the difference in
just a few months since her earlier visit. The ridge top meadows were
now snow fields. We had a nice long break before packing up. Kim
mentioned a football field sized meadow and we wandered around looking
for it. We did find it and had great views to the south from there. The
top of Mt. Rainier was in the clear. The clouds were moving in faster
which only added some nice lighting.
Many more photos ensued before we decided it was time to leave. On the
way down we noticed that many switchbacks had sections of the old trail
continuing on down. It did not look like the old trail was abandoned
all that many years ago. It was fun searching for where it crossed over
the new trail. The trail is so gentle for a 2300' gain that there was
no knee pounding at all. A very easy descent. As we neared the river
the temperature nosedived. At the bridge is was down right cold. In the
parking lot it was colder still. Dew was on the car and fog was
settling in.
The drive out was in and out of fog. It was dark before we reached Jack
Pass. Fortunately the fog was gone as we reached Highway 2. The drive
home was not bad at all. No Sunday night Sultan back up. This was a
great trip. After 3400' of gain the day before I was glad to be on a
gentle trail. It still did get us up to 5800' and terrific views of
high snowy peaks. Finally, any sunny weekend day in November is better
enjoyed in the mountains than in the city.
Kim has posted a report here: Nwhikers Report

Trailhead Sign

Bridge Over Skykomish

Wild Sky Boundary

Moss Lined Trail

Kim & Big Tree

Kyes Peak

Columbia Peak

Mystery Mountain

Lenticular Over Glacier

Sloan Peak

Almost Clear

Lunch Time

Glacier In The Clear

West Cady Ridge Top

Clouds Coming In

Snow Patterns

View South

Big Meadow

Framed Kyes



Indian Head Peak

Monte Cristo Peaks


NF Sky At Dusk
Click on thumbnails to get larger pictures.
Photo Page 2
Trips - 2008